(no subject)

Sep 16, 2013 23:27

I've failed so utterly at my to-do list today that it's verging on legitimate disaster, and I think it's time to give it up and go to bed and rework my plans for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'll make sure my pharmacopeia is with me on campus, because today I was trapped there with only extra-strength tylenol when I needed aleve, and by the time I got my hands on some of ministering angel grad program assistant RR's CVS-brand naproxen sodium (RR now officially promoted to goddess among women), moderately horrible cramps had set in, which wasn't great for my productivity.

My to-do list may also have been overambitious. That said, I have made a valiant stab at rereading Guibert of Nogent's Monodies for teaching on Friday, and I'm through 2/3 of it. I also made a batch of pancakes to make up for the fact that I didn't manage grocery shopping this afternoon, so at least I now have breakfast and snacks for tomorrow.

Now I've got to go decide what to wear tomorrow (this morning's indecisiveness over what to wear didn't help my productivity either) and meditate on my shoe crisis. Tomorrow it's supposed to be cool and sunny enough that I'm planning to wear the Boots of Glory, but I can't wear the Boots of Glory every day, and I'm not ready to face the Pinching and Unwalkable Black Flats of Doom yet. In fact, I might be looking to replace them. It would, at least, be nice to own a pair of non-runner, non-boot, non-heel shoes that wasn't them.

Also, it's time for ALL THE DRUGS, redux.


But wait, no. Did I whine here about ILL cockblocking me? Yes, it appears I did. All my ILLs have now arrived! Including the atlas I've been waiting for for two and a half weeks, and that has caused me to have to stall some of my work while I've been waiting! Yess!

This entry was originally posted at http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/728203.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.

yes i did read that, sartorial panic, not this crude matter

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