I'm at the airport! I'm on my way up to Quebec for the Easter break via Toronto, and I'm actually flying out of Boston Logan terminal E instead of Air Canada's three gates in terminal B. Also, I'm cheating on Air Canada with Porter Airlines. I feel so important lurking in the international terminal! On the other hand, the international terminal does not have a Dunkin Donuts, which after six years in Boston is my preferred source of bland but perfect early-morning-departure-from-Boston breakfast sandwiches. See, the Boston thing has taken, in limited contexts!
Speaking of Boston, Jarome Iginla. He didn't shoot me through the heart by getting traded to Boston (although that would probably have seriously increased my chances of ending up on a flight with him), but he did shoot me through the heart by getting traded to Pittsburgh. I'm not saying I have any great affection for the Flames, but IGIIIIIINLAAAAAAAAA! He lives in Kelowna in the summers! I remember my dad talking about watching him play for the Kamloops Blazers in the mid-1990s before he was even in the NHL! And now, moving to the Eastern Conference? SO WRONG!! Also, the Eastern Conference is still dead to me (and I'm quite miffed that it's going away and I won't be able to hate on it any longer, and also realignment playoff format HAAAAAAAATE), and the Penguins are now 250% more dead to me. How do they even have that kind of cap space? I thought the only wizards in the NHL were the Sedins!!
Also, maybe next year, Canucks? *frets*
In other news, I've finished marking all my students' papers, as well as the quizzes from yesterday's discussion, and I've posted the next set of readings, and I'm FREEEEEEEEEE!! until next Wednesday. I mean, my plans for the weekend involve writing some lectures and reading all the things for my seminar paper/dissertation chapter, due May 1, but FREEEEEDOM!
I know it's Thursday, but
here's what I'm reading:
I have recently finished reading: Margaret MacMillan, Paris 1919: Six Months that Shaped the World (New York, 2003).
I'm currently reading: Benoit-Michel Tock, Scribes, souscripteurs et témoins dans les actes privés en France (VIIe-début XIIe siècle) (Turnhout, 2005); Jean-François Parot, L'enquête russe (kindle edition, 2012).
I'm planning to read over break: Everything I'm currently reading, plus R.M. Douglas (still bitter about the A-, Douglas), Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War (New Haven, 2012); Constance Britten Bouchard, Sword, Miter and Cloister (reread); various articles, mostly by Warren Hollister in search of the one that advisor R says is about "the king's love"; ack, I can't remember what else I packed. But suffice it to say that my suitcase is full of books, currently in the hopefully-tender clutches of Porter Airlines.
Anyway, I'd better go and hunt down my gate now.
This entry was originally posted at
http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/709710.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.