Whoooops. Welp, my fingers just slipped and I bought
this jacket. In green. I'm weak when it comes to awesome jackets. And jackets in this style are usually leather!
On that note, clothes. Is it spring yet? Because I'm getting bored of all my winter clothes...
There are also some things I need, beyond the realm of awesome jackets that are going to make my closet vastly more exciting to me. I could do with some new jeans, possibly more than one pair, and also some t-shirt type things. Some non-flong sandals would also be excellent, as would some regular shoes I can walk in (I'm still looking). Hmm. I had better see about working all that into what's going to be a tight budget for the rest of the year.
But jacket! I declare it a birthday-money purchase!
This entry was originally posted at
http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/708851.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.