When it became obvious last night that even without sleep, there was no way I was going to finish my paper revision/translation, I decided I had better go to bed for a few hours the better to be able to keep working on it today and likely, tomorrow. That means my slacking off earlier this month is probably going to cost me some of the sightseeing activities I was hoping to do so that I can get all the work done, but that is no one's fault but my own. Plus, my paper revisions had a small explosion last night that led to an expanded section on William of Dol, and an idea of how, if I can find some way to turn my current thoughts on the matter into something of intellectual value to the field, could become a dissertation chapter about William and his life choices (and I swear, Daddy issues). I cannot complain about that!
I'm not sure what I wrote was coherent - I was trying to sustain complicated conditional tenses over a paragraph the better to not be like certain historians of a certain nationality I could name who have a tendency to make highly speculative and conditional claims in one sentence, and then treat them as given and build the rest of their article on them. I'm not sure it was coherent in English OR French. However, now all that remains is fixing up my intro (and a few footnotes), although admittedly the reason I haven't done that yet is that I can't figure out how to fix the structural issues that have me basically saying everything twice. In any case, my translation itself proceeds.
Now I have to go and get in the shower, though, and get myself to the library for what is hopefully going to be my final day with Guillotel's thèse. Now, if only some of the scent of what smells like really good coffee that seems to permeate the library every morning would actually make its way in liquid form to me...
This entry was originally posted at
http://monksandbones.dreamwidth.org/685581.html. Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.