Ooooo, my day. Vis à vis academic respectability in my R&R meeting with Prof G and my seminar meeting with advisor R tomorrow, mmm, not so much. I mean, the good news is that I've managed to read 164 pages of La France du XVIe siècle so far today, but the bad news is that I'm supposed to be finished the book by 10:00 am tomorrow, which posits that between now and then, I'm going to read a further 344 pages.
Not to mention the further 140 pages of Léon Fleuriot's Les Origines de la Bretagne (ie. ce livre à cause duquel je viens de pleurnicher ici l'avant-hier) I would ideally have finished reading in time for seminar tomorrow. As if I will ever feel like opening it again following Saturday's hours of linguistic torture.
Need I even point out the obvious by saying that this isn't going to happen?
I've got a few more small things to do (looking up the use of the historical present in French, otherwise OMG WTF HISTORICAL PRESENT, ARLETTE! - emailing a couple of students - making my to-do list for tomorrow), and then I'm taking La France du XVIe siècle to bed with me for another half-hour's reading before I officially give up and commence skimming in the morning.
Other than that, today I walked to campus with fellow TA MA, who lives right up the street from me, and cubicle-mate E and I officially decorated our cubicle with
this strip from PhD comics. I made a lovely oven pancake once again for supper (although really, at this point, what I'm describing is less a pancake and more an eggy batter tenuously holding together as many veggies as possible), and had a lot of tea, and read... yes.
As for teaching yesterday, it went relatively well. No scandalous stories will be immediately forthcoming, although as always, admission to my teaching filter is open.