For it's early in the morning I am far, far away...

Aug 22, 2006 06:25

I'll probably be online to check my email and LJ later today, but I'm posting now, because it's unlikely I'll have time after work in the ensuing throw-the-last-odds-and-ends-in-the-suitcase period before la famille leaves for Vancouver. From there on in, my internet access will be sporadic, although you know me and you know I list "internet access" up with "tea" and "daily showers" as necessities of life just behind "oxygen" and "water" and "clothing." I expect I'll be able to at least check my email in Vancouver, and I expect I'll seek out ANY INTERNET AT ALL, EEP! once I get to Boston, but there will be a period of about a week between when I arrive in Boston Friday night and when I can (barring unforeseen disaster) move into my apartment, during which I'm going to be a rootless wanderer with a suitcase, a laptop, a backpack, and a fiddle.

To put all this another way: I am sincerely hoping that the Sam Carter Ficathon entries are going to start going up soon so I can print at least some of them off and bring them with me for the trip to Vancover, although I am reserving the Coquihalla Connector for listening to The Bills: Let 'Em Run in commemoration of the first time I heard them two summers ago on the Coquihalla Connector.

Anyway, that's more or less my next two weeks (may they be over as soon as possible). If you need to get in touch, either comment in my LJ or email, please.

Now, a few quick messages:

To everyone heading back to Colgate now: Lucky ducks! Have a great start to the year, and hopefully I'll be able to come and visit soon.

To amatyultare: What I just said, extra-specially for you. And congratulations! I can't say too many times how proud I am of you!

To polaris79: I think about you often and miss you even more.

To mouseears609: You, too.

To amyheartssiroc: Thanks for the eleventh-hour beta!

To everyone else: Have a good couple of weeks.

l'art de demenager au canada, eep!

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