Jun 28, 2011 17:45


And I will need to bring the tissues because I am fairly the ending still gets me.  I mean, I haven't seen The Return of the King in ages but given that up until now the ending has gotten me EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME AND TURNED ME INTO A BLUBBERING MESS EVEN HALFWAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY VIA YAHOO INSTANT MESSENGER CHAT... yeah I' d better be prepared for the waterworks.

And I will probably need to hold Ally's hand during the Shelob's lair sequence.  Ughhh creepy giant spider that will forever haunt my nightmares WHY DO YOU EXIST?!

In other news, Ally has uploaded some YouTube videos of the new kitten that I can share with y'all.  Have a gander.

Day 27:

Weeeelll, not exactly hate so much as got extraordinarily frustrated and disappointed by, but...

Flash Forward

Yeah, it's not a good thing when the romantic drama for a couple starts to bore me to the point where I don't care, and throw up my hands and go to play in another corner of the fandom.

As mentioned before I wasn't particularly thrilled or squeeful about them to begin with (as a couple or individually), but I started rooting for them when they seemed to be trying to work things out and fight for the stability of their marriage, and do everything in their power to avoid the events of their flash forward, Mark vowing not to drink and Olivia vowing to remain loyal and not commit adultery.

Then of course the show decided that wasn't a good enough love story so enter Lloyd Simcoe and Olivia initially tries avoiding him but the almighty power of Destiny and Authorial Fiat conspired together and she swung back and forth between Mark and Lloyd like a ping-pong ball and Mark was a douchenozzle jerk at his workplace repeatedly and somehow wasn't fired for it permanently and Lloyd was bland and boring and had no reason to pursue Olivia but did anyway and the writers magnificently proceeded to break up the married couple and I finally went, "OH FINE THEN I DON'T EVEN CARE ANYMORE, GO WITH THE STUPID ADULTERY PLOTLINE.  ALL THREE OF YOU SUCK.  I WILL BE OVER IN THE BRYCE/KEIKO AND SIMON/JANIS CORNERS."

Flash Forward

You know... I'm beginning to think that this show just could not do romances very well.  Their romance plotlines seemed to follow the same formula:

1. Establish a shippy couple.
2. Make them adorable and epic so watchers care about them.
3. Introduce love-triangle drama for no reason.
4. ???

It almost felt like different writing teams were constantly arguing about where to take the story arcs.  That's not a good thing.

Anyway, similar story to Mark/Olivia above.  I fell in love with them and their epic determination to be together no matter what.  Demetri didn't have a flash forward which means he's going to die before Fate Date?  Pfft!  THE POWER OF LOVE will make him fight to avoid his fate.  His parents object to their marriage?  THE POWER OF LOVE allows them to see how much losing him would crush her, and they give their approval.

Then of course the show decided that wasn't a good enough love story and derailed that train with all the grace of a tap-dancing elephant in a yellow tutu.  First by making the couple's normally smokin' hot chemistry unexpectedly lukewarm and dull.  Then by having Zoey being weirdly annoyingly pushy.

Then by having Demetri sleep with his lesbian co-worker Janis so she'd get pregnant like in her flash forward and becoming creepily determined to be a bigger part of the child's life beyond Baby-Daddy, leading to strain on his relationship with Zoey which culminates in her going off to vacation in Hawaii without him on Fate Date.


...Oh wait, that's right, because this is Flash Forward and no one is allowed to be happy ever and stable couples do not exist.


Day 28:

The Hunger Games

(Fanart credit "Katniss and Gale" by bloodsmoothy)
Yeeaaaaah.... I think I've already spoken extensively about how I never bought Gale's end of the "triangle".

I just... it's the literary equivalent of Fiyero/Elphaba for me.  The guy is undefined and uninteresting and has very little personality or chemistry with Katniss and is barely even there in the story and yet somehow we're supposed to believe that he's a viable romantic option.  Yes, granted in Gale's case he and Katniss have several years of amiable friendship to build off of... but the thing is we're usually told about their friendship and history, not shown it.  Up until Mockingjay we were given relatively little interaction between the two.  Because Katniss was usually off having epic adventures and doomed star-crossed romance with Peeta.  Honestly I plumb forgot about Gale for most of the duration of the first Hunger Games book.  That's how not interested or invested in his character I was.

Also, I get this unfortunate vibe from a lot of Gale/Katniss shippers that they're projecting a lot more into his character and the Gale/Katniss dynamic than is really there, and urrrrgh Sexy Fanon!Gale is so much do not want.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Fanart credit "I like your hair... strippies..." by arch-nsha
I don't... get this ship.

Maybe most likely it's the Zuko/Mai shipper in me that can't wrap my head around the concept of these two as a couple.  I dunno.  All I know is I'm just left with a very vague feeling of, "..........Why?" whenever I see this one.  I can't explain it.  I know it's a crack!ship and all and logic is not required for crack!shipping... but even some crack!ships are too bizarre for me, and leave me feeling a whole lotta nothin'.

This is one of them.  Mostly due to the fact that Jet is kind of, you know, DEAD and anything Post-Finale with him getting it on with anyone is going to be automatically AU by default.

Also I never liked Jet.  Never found him or his character appealing.  Can't really see him getting over his hatred of the Fire Nation enough to date Mai.

And it reminds me of Red X/Raven from Teen Titans, another crack!ship I just don't get or see or feel the chemistry for.

And sometimes it's used as a companion spiteship for Zuko/Katara and you would not believe how much I hate side spiteships whose only purpose is to get alternate love interests out of the way for the MAIN author-preferred pairing.

I guess the fanart's kind of pretty though?  IDK.

picspam, wankage, i heart married couples, zuko, memes, avatar: the last airbender, douchebaggery, mai, peeta/katniss, shipping wank, wtf, ranting, flash forward, shows, shipping, hunger games

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