
Jun 16, 2011 23:44

Well I found the USB cord to the camera, lol.

May need another day to figure out just how to get all my photos uploaded to Photobucket and rotated the right direction.  (Thought I had it okay when I was composing this post but nope!  Some of the pictures are on their sides again, the other way I originally had rotated them from.  X'hal blast it you stupid computer!  Why do you have to do that to me?)

Thirty Day Ship Meme

Day 16:


...Can I change the question to “What are some pairings you dislike?” and answer accordingly?   Because far be it from me to apply an objective rating to a subjective concept like shipping. And I’m loathe to call any pairing “the worst” anyway since that’s such a Your Mileage May Vary thing and it just encourages negativity. That being said…

Teen Titans


Rob/Rae is quite overwhelmingly my Least Favorite Pairing out of all my fandoms, though my level of Do Not Want varies. On good days I can be remarkably blasé and tolerant of the ship and its existence. My default mood tends to be plain old seething dislike, with occasional dips into the aforementioned irrational hatred. It’s a combination of factors that contribute to my overall abhorrence of the pairing, namely: the fact that I ship pairings other than Rob/Rae, the fact that I genuinely enjoy the close personal friendship between Robin and Raven and resent the implication that it has to be romantic in nature (as if strong emotional bonds between people somehow don’t count if they’re not about romance), the fact that I never saw or bought the two’s interactions as romantic in the first place, and because of the poor behavior of a large number of its shippers.

Yeah, sadly the behavior and drama of a pairing’s wanky shippers tends to color/sour my opinion of the ship itself. It’s not entirely fair but it’s what happens with me. (Like, over in Bleach which I don’t even watch or have any involvement in, I’m lulzily kind of rooting for Ichigo/Orihime to spite the rabid Ichigo/Rukia shippers that pop up on Fandom Wank all the time.) And needless to say my opinion of Robin/Raven was very quickly soured.

I still have a twitchy urge to punch kittens every time someone slut-shames Starfire.

(Dis)honorable mentions usually have a similar story to Rob/Rae-didn’t and don’t really buy the two characters as a couple, was turned off early on by wanky rabid shippers, don’t like the canon-warping, can’t stand the character bashing, etc.  The two exceptions are...

Teen Titans


Adventures of Sinbad

Has the dubious honor of being my very first hated pairing. Mostly due to the fact that Brynn was an ill-thought-out Replacement Scrappy for Maeve whom we never got any back-story for and who came in with the generally hated re-tooling of Season Two of the show, in which they tried for Dark and Edgy! and wound up with Boring, Dull, and Jumping the Shark.

Also, no chemistry.


In general I also tend to dislike over-dramatic “Forbidden Love” ships, unhealthy or abusive ships, ships that hit my squicks, and fanon-ships with shippers that are unable to comprehend the fact that they are fanon and try to over-analyze and prove themselves canon and canon-ships not-canon.  And try saying that ten times fast because wow, that’s a tongue twister.


Shippers gonna ship.  What can you do?

Besides lol at drama and copy and paste wanky quotes into your collection to preserve it for posterity and lulz I mean.

updates, picspam, stupid shippers get on my nerves, wankage, fandom, starfire, robin, anti-robin/raven, superheros, memes, douchebaggery, teen titans, shipping wank, ranting, shipping, dick grayson, sibling love is awesome too

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