Thursdays have become my Fridays

Apr 25, 2010 16:14

Mainly due to Flash Forward.

Like, remember when I was on edge for three weeks because of the unsettling potential for my beloved Amita over on Numb3rs to die sometime during the Season Five finale?

Yeah, it was sort of like that with Demetri on Flash Forward.

HOWEVER, like Numb3rs it all turned out okay and in THE MOST AWESOME WAY POSSIBLE.




So like how tremendously creepy was D. Gibbons/Dyson Frost in this episode huh?  Having everything all planned out to the nines like the crazy-awesome evil chessmaster he is.  I have to say, the dominos diagram of his map of possible futures, and the map itself, which he had compiled from his experiencing mutliple flash forwards, were very cool.  (Somehow I just knew something horrible was going to happen when Mark yanked Demetri off the sensory-triggered chair but I was still jolted with dismay when the sprinklers turned on and started erasing the map.  I was like, "GET A PICTURE QUICK!  HURRY HURRY HURRY ah dammit.")

Speaking of chessmasters, Alda is practically the Azula of Flash Forward, being an absolute manipulative bitch playing on Zoey's worry and anxiety over Demetri to get herself a same-day hearing like that, which she uses as a diversion to get herself busted out of jail, so she can go over to the same remote location Frost led Mark, all in order to shoot the previous chessmaster and Big Bad figure 'cause he's thinking about making a Heel Face Turn to the good guys.  (For reasons that are yet to be explained but seem like they have something to do with the end of the world.  Yay.)

And that was after Mark had another Crowning Moment of Awesome by completely derailing Frost's plans and doing something unexpected that he hadn't anticipated.  Spanner In The Works, thy name is Mark Benford.

But man!  Who the heck is gonna be the Big Bad now, now that D. Gibbons/Dyson Frost, Chessmaster Extraordinaire, has bought it?  This show keeps throwing me through honest to goodness genuine loops.

Mark was the man of the hour, being very heroic, although a bit slow on the uptake about how to disable the sensors safely.  (Was yelling at him the whole time, "RED FISH BLUE FISH!  COME ON MAN, DYSON GAVE YOU THE FREAKING ANSWERS IN THE DR. SUESS CONVO!")  And his interactions with daughter Charlie and wife Olivia were... surprisingly very nonchalant and casual given that they're sort of separated and Olivia was stupid and kissed Lloyd Simcoe last week.  Does this mean there's a slim chance this show will not break up my married couple despite it seeming to be flash forward-predicted inevitable?  Oh whollopers I hope so.  I've never liked the way most television handles the splitting up of married couples.

But at least the danger of Demetri/Zoey sinking is past!  Hoorray!  I have at least one of my Flash Forward pairings still afloat!  (No Simon/Janis interaction in this ep and very little Bryce for Bryce/Keiko so I'm taking what I got.)

Final thought: All the threads on Frost's board inevitably leading up to one last date on the top that says simply THE END?  Well crap.  That's ominous and cryptic and doesn't sound like the Apocolypse at all.  THE PLOT THICKENS!

I also have fandom updates.

Bunch of Dick/Kory icons (and one Jericho/Kole one) that I made when I was bored, seventeen in all.






Zuko/Mai, Naveen/Tiana crossover comic thing


Titans Next Gen OCs

Robin/Starfire entry for "Springtime" contest on DA

And a new chapter of "Titans Tales": Siblings

updates, numb3rs, genfic, fandom, fanart, bryce/keiko, starfire, nightwing, anime, drawings, robin, superheros, rob/star, fanfiction, robin/starfire, teen titans, omg, mermaid melody, flash forward, shows, artwork, amita don't die!, shipping, rina and masahiro, dick grayson

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