Fannish Things...

Jun 30, 2011 19:57

I was working late last night and had the most recent episode of MTV's Teen Wolf playing in the background. And this character seemed so damn familiar and it was bothering me so ... I wracked my brains for as long as it took to imdb her and...

Its LARRIN! \o/

So, I was chuffed and starting concentrating on work again and then this scene happened. And while I wanted to share my 'look an actor from SGA working even if she only was in two episodes' squee, I thought you might enjoy this as much as I did.

Short recap, as you watch: Derek Hale (dude with tat - and we will wax lyrical about tats another time) is a werewolf and Larrin (Jill Wagner will always be Larrin) is a hunter. I'll let the rest speak for itself.

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