Book Review: Clan of the Cave Bear

Apr 15, 2014 07:16

I still need to write a proper review for the Codex Alera as I pretty much mainlined the last four books and have trouble separating them. But on a whim, because it is getting cold and I dragged my 'bear skin' blanket out for the chilly nights (not actual bear skin) I decided to bump up Clan of the Cave Bear.

I read the book many years ago and saw the movie years ago, so had a vague recollection of the story and keys moments. I must say I was mildly impressed at how much better a book it was, than I recalled. Sometimes re-reading books doesn't result in a higher opinion, but this one did. I have a few issues with Jean Auel's writing style and while the narrative can get bogged down with fact and information overload, it remained an enjoyable read. Ayla is an engaging interesting, viable character and its very easy to get swept up in her life/adventure.

I also rewatched the movie and alas, it did not stand the test of 'better than I expected' but it wasn't awful.

I've already started the sequel, Valley of the Horses, and have noted an 'shift' in style. There is a lot more world to explore and oh boy are we exploring it. The narrative is feeling a little heavy handed at the moment on the 'this is how awesome Ayla is and she and Jondalar are 'meant to be'" so lets see what happens.


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