Recent tv disappointments and thoughts

Apr 14, 2014 08:05


9 years of waiting. 9 years of promises, a long drawn out story and now, its over. The finale gave me the impression that the writers had been thinking about how to end the story for a while. I haven't particularly enjoyed this final season, it had some pretty weak episodes. Season 8 was also quite week and I felt it was certainly time for the series to end.
I don't know if during the early seasons the writers/producers sat and discussed the quandary of dragging what was initially a novel idea out over years and years of episodes. The downside would be limited story lines, the natural atrophy of 'good' scenarios to delay the 'meeting' but some point Ted has to meet his wife. Did the writers at some point realise that actually, due to sheer volume of story, Robin was the focus of the story. Or was it a last minute realisation, a fanfic extrapolation of what ifs?

Anyway, I don't mind the ending as Robin is right for Ted, but as a finale it hit the wrong tone for me. 9 years and it doesn't end with Mom. Instead we get a fanfic episode tag ending. An entire season building up to a wedding and before the episode is over, they're divorced. Realistic? Sure. Sad? Definitely. Intellectually I understand the evolution of the story, but emotionally I felt it was 'off', too bittersweet, too 'wait, what?'. I didn't like it (emotionally).

Teen Wolf Season 3b

I had high hopes. High! I loved season 3a, it was my fav season by far and had some of my fav episodes which I have watched multiple times. Multiple.
And I'll put this out there, the ole romantic in me was still hoping Scott and Allison would get back together. I loved the humour of 3a, the overall plot and arc.

I waited for the entire 3b to air before I started watching so that I could watch without cliffhangers. As a result, I mainlined 3b is a few days and ... I am disappointed. I am tempted to handwave the entire season as a) did not happen or b) was just a bad dream.

Why? Two reasons. One - Stiles. He had a great opportunity to show case his acting ability (and he did) but without his humour, without him being 'Stiles', the flaily, brainy, funny, 'put things into perspective and figure things out' guy, it was a darker, less humorous tinged story. There was too much drama, with too little offset of humour that hallmarked earlier seasons. Two - The season was artfully shot as always, but the overload of drama and plot lines was just too much. The season started off on adrenalin and felt like it it descended into a crack rush (pun intended). Too many characters, too much plot, too much drama. Allison caught me off guard and I felt sad she was gone, but the over abundance of story lines, characters and tension overwhelmed what should have been a poignant moment. All too much

Disappointing, in a word. I hope for a season 4 that is more balanced and less 'dramatic' less 'plot lines ahoy' season.

Not disappointing (haven't been around long enough but not a good start)

The 100

Interesting premise. No really but what irks  me - the fate of the human race depends on exploring the viability of earth (asap). Important vital mission in reality and what do they do? They send delinquent teenagers who descend into a Lord of the Flies re-enactment. Really? It would be better if they tried less to appeal to teenage audiences and melodrama and went with actual 'this is a serious story, lets make it as realistic as possible on a post apocalyptic world.' It'd be a damn interesting story!


I have lots of issues with this series, but mostly its the sci-fi aspect. I completely understand why tv shows go with human-like alien species: costs, special effect costs, identification of the audience. But come on, aliens who look just like us except for tattoos that look like some one spilled their drink all over themselves. And a disenfranchised alien people naturally have a not-so secret underground terrorist group. I feel like writing in the margin: if you're going to write a sci fi show, at least apply your mind a bit more. 'Did not apply yourself. Try again.'


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