A few random thoughts on the handful of 2013 finales I've seen.

Jun 09, 2013 19:33

I preface this with two things: first - hello! I am back from holiday. And its a scary thought at how quickly time flies and that I still haven't finished my posts about NZ. Second - I haven't seen all my shows yet *is sad*. My plans on catching up on TV fell through as my first and oldest love - reading - dragged me into several books.

However - the shows I have finished:

Elementary.[Spoiler (click to open)]I liked Elementary from the start and even while it took a few episodes to get into its stride, I was a keen viewer throughout. On the whole I enjoyed the finale episodes - from the reveal around Irene as Moriarty and Joan's place in Holmes's life *hugs the Waston bee*. I was pleased that the twist was as twisty as it was - I was not expecting it even if half way through the episode I was screaming - She's Moriarty!! However, it felt too rushed, if that makes sense. The final episode with the plot to break the Macedonian currency felt... underwhelming. I was fully expecting Holmes to turn it all on Moriarty's head and for everything to be a ruse - a set up - and that the Greek guy and the family would be saved. Because it wasn't... the ending felt a bit hollow for me. *shrugs* imho. Bring on season 2!

Hawaii Five -0:[Spoiler (click to open)]Oh show, oh show. What a cliffie... and such a sudden one. I have an inkling too.. a suspicion. Should I share it.. oh, why not. I think Wo Fat and Steve are brothers! There show.. its out there... prove me wrong! I did feel for Kono though, her story felt a little rushed but that perhaps because I wanted more of her and Adam. On the whole though... lovely finale. Drama and a cliffhanger.

Big Bang: Fun, and cute, but lacked a cliffie punch. But perhaps that's ok, when all the other shows are leaving us on cliffhangers.

Blue Bloods: Also - fun and cute. What, I hear you say. How could that be fun and cute? Well, the ending was. And I liked that there was drama but it was resolved and there was a nice family moment at the end. The Regan's are defined by that Sunday dinner and on the whole I liked it. The season though lacked some of the punch of the earlier seasons.

Person of Interest:[Spoiler (click to open)]*fails* Show, show, show!! Why do you torment me so! The finale was so plotty and twisty and trying to lead you down misdirections and I was behind Reese all the way! I liked that Finch saved his machine and set it free - it certainly felt right for me. But in true Nolan style, even a mini-victory is tainted with uncertainty - Root. *sigh* Great show.

Castle:[Spoiler (click to open)]*headsdesk* I saw it coming, but it was ok. It is time - almost. After four seasons of dancing around eachother and one hilarious season of dating... well... I was in two minds about them getting together, not because I was against it, but more because it opened the doors for the writers to mess around with our feelings even more. I hope she says yes.

Chicago Fire: *[Spoiler (click to open)]uhm* 1.22 broke my heart into itty bitty little pieces. I am not too sure about 1.23 and 1.24. They were fine, and had resolution for Casey and opened up a few doors - Casey and Dawson and mystery around the dirty cop whose name I forget. It lacked something though... can't quite put my finger on it. But the prison scenes were cool and the drama around it.

Grimm:[Spoiler (click to open)]*facepalm* I so saw it coming. I mean... come on!! It was leading up to a capture and a cliffhanger and I got a bit irritated at the end at the sheer 'blindness' of the plot. But the To be Continued rider cheered me up no end - cracked me up too. I like that Juliette is now fully on board and aware of everything - not too sure about her keeness to go on cases though. I am keen for season 3!

Dr Who: uhmmmm... not too sure. I am reserving judgment for now. It felt... unfinished to the extreme.

HIMYM: Sigh... another season. Oh, don't me wrong, I love this show. But I want Ted to meet Mrs Ted already!! And enough with the Robin/Ted drama! Christmas episode was still the best of the season. *draws hearts around it*

NCIS LA:[Spoiler (click to open)]Eeeeekkkk... what a cliffhanger! Oy vey... now that's a good cliffie. And I like all the betrayal and spy drama! Poor Dekes and Sam. *pets them*

I still have quite a few shows to catch up on - Greys, Supernatural, The Mentalist, Good Wife, Vampire Diaries and Revenge. So hurrah for the summer break!

ep_review, fangirling

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