Master Fic List

Dec 31, 2016 18:50

Because I need order like order needs air: (or alternatively visit my link for even more fics)

Supernatural Fics

Gallows Gate (Old West AU)
Old West AU:  Whilst on the trail of a Hunt, Dean and Sam run into a little horse thief trouble. Afoot, hot, tired and covered in dust, they need to somehow complete the hunt, save a ranch and well… find their horses

Part 1

Miss you ( Prompt fic)
Prompt fic for hoodie_time Dean focused_hurt/comfort meme.  Hurt!Dean mid season 6 has to rely on Robot!Sam for first aid and a little brotherly comfort. Yeah, that’s going to go well.

Helpless ( prompt fic)
Prompt fic for hoodie_time Dean-focused_hurt/comfort meme.  Noose happy ghost equals crushed larynx. Crushed larynx = panicked Dean. Panicked Dean means Difficult Patient with a capital D. Sum = Poor Sam

Underneath, it Stirs ( prompt fic)
S4, Dean has a cast iron stomach. He can eat anything and occasionally Sam has to live with the noxious consequences. When hunting a monster after the eldest children in town, Dean goes down with a stomach bug. Goes down hard.

If You Go Down to the Woods Today ( prompt fic)
What came first? The dragon or the egg? Sam’s sense of self preservation equals Dean’s newest experience. Cas is bemused (but slightly smitten) written as a pinch_hit for spn_bigpretzel's fic exchange

Stargate Atlantis Fics

Schrondingers Cat ( Prompt fic)
kriadydragon on whose LJ I lurk, had a prompt of: “Sheppard, on earth or another planet, is beat up and put into a crate to be shipped to a buyer who wants him for his ATA gene. One of the team, an original character, or someone from SG-1 finds him in a warehouse and has to get him out. But besides being beat up John is also dehydrated, possibly drugged and so confused, and the warehouse is heavily guarded.” I thought, yeah, that’d be a great fic and then, I wrote this. Go figure. A three act prompt fic with crossover that does not meet all the requirements but close enough.

The Space Between ( Prompt fic)
saphirablue was looking for a fic (full prompt below) and I liked the idea of that ... and then there was this.

Close Quarters ( Prompt fic)
A great prompt resulted in one fic and now another. Sheppard and Lorne, trapped in a small space, waiting for rescue.

Fractured Moon (Sheppard h/c fic exchange)
Captured and in some serious trouble, Sheppard needs to escape his crazy native captors and rescue his team from the ‘supposedly civilized but maybe actually cannibals’ villagers.

Part 1   Part 2 Part 3   Part 4

Bargaining Chip ( Prompt fic)
Life isn’t easy for galaxy hopping Colonels. Meetings, conferences and wraith are top of the list of things to avoid. And sometimes it’s easy to forget that Earth has its hazards too, even if they’re only the occasional kidnapping. for saphirablue ‘cos she enthusiastic

Hawaiian Vacation Blues... and Frogs ( Prompt fic) SGA/Hawaii 5-0 crossover
His day had started out pretty good. Surfing first thing with the sun a bright yellow ball on the horizon, the ocean dark and mysterious. His only competition for waves were a few locals and hard core pros, all of whom were pretty damn cool to talk to. So it was pretty damn surreal that 5 hours later he was in cuffs and sitting in some uber-flashy high tech law enforcement office. It was very blue.

It was a Dark and Wintry Night ( prompt fic)
2nd comment fic for kriadydragon's gencomment fic exchange (go, read, write, its addictive!).  Prompt below.

Come and Try ( prompt fic)
Aftermath fic. John returns to Atlantis after an ordeal offworld. Team comfort ensues as they try to come to terms with John.

Diary of an Angst Ridden Temporary Commander
Cameron Mitchell has to take temporary command of Atlantis after Sheppard has an accident with an ancient device that reduces to him to the mental age of 3. This, is Cam’s diary.

Is that a Tramp Stamp?
Ronon spies something... interesting. And asks the question, “ Is that a tramp stamp?”

Moonbeams in a Jar
AU (Crack) John, alone on the streets of Colorado Springs, meets Rodney McKay, who takes him home. For milk.

Moonbeams: Swing on a Star
AU (Crack) Cat!John part 2 (or the sequel that had to be written because I have no willpower)

Part 1 Part 2

Moonbeam Magic
Cam catnapped Rodney's cat, for his own good. Really, he did. The cute little thing needed someone to look after it. Rodney won't mind. Not really. Sheppard sure as hell doesn't mind. Sequel to Moonbeams: Swing on a Star and Moonbeams in a Jar

Quintessential Astrometrics
Lost in a maze? Check. Injured teammate? Check. Weird ancient or alien device trying to kill them? Check check.  Added bonus: frisky wildlife? Hell, yes.

Blur of Sounds
Politics aside, Kaari wasn’t a holiday destination. Throw in an ambush, a thorough beating and being captured, and Sheppard is more than ready to go home. Or wait to be rescued. Whichever ever happens first.

Part 1   Part 2

Geek Knight vs the Black Dragon
The tale of Sir Rodney who went Dragon Hunting. Alternative title: Shep the Dragon has a bad day

Hawaii 5-0

Just an Old Fashioned Love Song
Danny took a CPR class when Gracie was born, just in case. Danny never once imagined that he’d have to do bastardised rescue breathing to keep ‘I’m a Navy Seal, I can hold my breath for five hours’ Steve McGarrett alive. Sick!Steve Worried!Danny

Part 1   Part 2    Part 3 Part 4

Night Manoeuvers on Ocean Drive
One shot: Post-case Danny gets a call that post-case hurt Steve is not where he should be. i.e. In bed, resting. Instead... he’s on night manoeuvres.

BPRD Team 5-0
BPRD AU for Hawaii 5-0. Chin's keep been keeping a secret for years. When Kono finds out, its pretty awesome. Team fic, with werewolves and vampires :)

Like a Poke in the Eye ( prompt fic)
Prompt fill for hawaii_50_hc commentfic meme - Danny gets hurt on a case and Steve DOES NOT handle waiting for word at the hospital very well.

Dug Deep ( prompt fic)
Prompt fill for hawaii_50_hc commentfic meme -kristen999’s prompt.  After the adrenaline rush is over, even will power can't keep Steve from crashing.

Hydro-Therapy ( prompt fic)
Prompt fill for hawaii_50_hc commentfic meme - saphirablue’s prompt was: Kono knew that this day was going to suck as soon as she got out of bed and stubbed her toe on the nightstand. Now, hours later, she was just thrown into the middle of the ocean by the bad guys and has to keep herself and her unconscious boss floating and alive until Chin and Danny find them...

Sunday Afternoon ( Prompt fic)
Prompt fill for hawaii_50_hc commentfic meme - Steve, sore muscles. But I took it a little further

Our Devoured Minds
Everyone says it’s the not knowing, right? Danny disappears and someone tries to kidnap Grace. Cue 5-0 and serious ass-kicking as Steve & Co try to keep Grace safe and find Danny.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5 Part 6   Part 7   Part 8

Catherine and Steve go on a long awaited date. Things are going well. This means that something bad is going to happen - it always does. Alas, Poor Catherine - having to save her man.


Cause Offense
What's the term for whump without plot? Beth decides to surprise Mick and gets one of her own instead when she discovers Mick has been attacked. Hurt!Mick.

Dr Who

Veni, Vidi, Vici - Sir Pond
51st century Renaissance Fair. Jousting tournament. Sir Rory Pond.  Yet another advantage of knowing the Doctor. Right?


Drawn from Life
When you draw something it lives - prompt fill for alc_fluteo on avengersgen comment fic challenge.


Here Tomorrow Gone Today (SGA/SPN)
SGA/SPN Crossover AU. The world ended and not how any hunter would have imagined. A BSG-style fleet of refugees on the run, with Dean Winchester aboard the Hammond. Shep POV.

Part 1   Part 2    Part 3   Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7   Part 8

The Otherside of Tomorrow
The world ended - sorta. Free humanity is on the run from the Ori, and these are the missing scenes (i.e. demands) of Here Tomorrow.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Apoplectic Denial ( SGA/TBBT)
Rodney's plan backfires... just a little

Friends with Benefits ( SGA/TBBT)
Semi-sequel to Apoplectic Denial. Sheldon vs McKay equals war. Woolsey resorts to getting in a mediator - Leonard

Best Laid Plans ( SGA/TBBT)
Summary:  Sequel to Friends with Benefits. Sheldon has a cunning plan. It’s just a pity Howard and Raj aren’t home to sign for their delivery. Penny is though.

Ladykiller ( HIMYM/TBBT)
Raj is in need of assistance. Good thing Barney has a blog

Gremlins 3: Attack of the Nerds ( TBBT/SPN)
for auntmo ’s prompt on the ficlet meme: Dean flirting with Penny. So, I threw in Sheldon and Sam too (not flirting! sheesh)

Undercover Maths ( SGA/SPN)
fordolimir_k's prompt on the Ficlet meme fill. She wanted: Marine!Dean has been assigned to protect Rodney. The kid is smarter than he looks and intrigues the scientist.

Reprieve ( Medium/SPN)
Crossover_las entry. This was a crossover born of plot bunny that bothered me for years. I always shouted at the screen during Medium episodes, “Call the Winchesters!” - and now with extended ending

The Fluid Nature of Fixed Eventualities ( ST2009/Enterprise)
It was impossible to resist - the depth and volume of knowledge Spock Prime had of the original timeline, a timeline in which Vulcan lived. Young Spock can’t deny the temptation or the need to at least try.

Gastronomic Tightwad ( NCIS/House)
Pizza places equal plenty of options for toppings. Some toppings offend other people. Tony is bemused.

Phish Food ( Dr Who/Fringe)
A star trek like blue box appearing inside Walter’s lab is not the strangest thing to have ever happened to Fringe Division. But that’s not saying much and it was pretty weird for a Wednesday afternoon.

Hell hath no Fury ( Avengers/NCIS)
Inter-agency co-operation is almost unheard of. Assets are protected at all costs. Nick Fury firmly believes this. When Abby Sciuto is reported to be at the Stark Tower... he assumes the worst. Written for avengersgen prompt fest

Supply and Demand Master List

SPN AU: Dean is an Empath contracted to T&E (the organisation which looks after Empaths and Telekinetics). In a world where Empaths are a rare commodity, Dean is caught up in the increasing demand for his skills and abilities.

1. Unwanted (SPN/NCIS)
NCIS/SPN Crossover AU. Gibbs didn’t want or need an Empath. But Director Vance was insisting and his team were avoiding him, more than usual, so when the T&E Centre called to say that Dean Winchester was available, it was time to pick up the unwanted Empath.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 5b   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9

2. Repeat Business (SPN/Criminal Minds)
Criminal Minds/SPN Crossover AU. Mitch Koravi was dead, to begin with. But when a man is  killed using his exact MO, the BAU have to eat humble pie and bring back the Empath told them their case was not closed, Dean Winchester

Teaser Part 1 Part 2 Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

3. Stolen (SPN/SGA)
SGA/SPN Crossover AU. When an impossibly locked door is keeping the Trust from treasures unknown, they arrange to steal an Empath so that their Kinetics can ‘crack the safe’. Unfortunately for Dean, he’s the unlucky Empath and the safe is in Pegasus.

Teaser   Part 1 Part 2   Part 3   Part 4    Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8    Part 9   Epilogue

Background blurb

medium, cm, sga, fanfic, master_post, hawaii_50, spn, tbbt

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