Fav Movies: Action!

Oct 01, 2012 19:00

Action! There is a great local saying for action movies - 'a skop, skiet en donner fliek' and that's pretty much right on cue (excuse my french). I don't watch a lot of action movies these days, but that is not due to a change in taste, but is rather a reflection of the quality of action movies these days *coughMichaelBaycough*  So, please don't be suprised if my selection stems a lot from the 90s, early 2000s.

A brief criteria debrief first on what I like in an action movie (and maybe you do too). An awesome hero. Yep, its pretty much why I watch a lot of shows - decent heroes. An intriguing story. What? In an action movie? Aren't you asking for a lot? I hear you say. Well.. no, I'm not. I need a fairly engaging plot. Something to keep me interested and rooting for my hero. Last - a kick ass villian. Every Batman, needs a Joker. Oh, oh and as point of qualification, I am leaving comic book movies out of this selection and sticking to traditional, non-super powered story lines.

So, my list (in no particular order)

Premise: Do not mock me! Keanu Reeves may never win an oscar, but by gum, give him a role where he needs to look serious, a bomb on a bus and Dennis Hopper on the phone, and whammo!

Why I like it? It actually has some sentimental value for me. My sister and I (during one of our 'off' phases) watched it on VHS one day and kinda bonded over its awesome action. It became a thing for us - watching action movies. So, I have a soft spot for Speed. But its also kinda cool. Interesting premise, albeit laced with the usual action plot holes but interesting enough that I wanted to find out what happened. Awesome villian and hero - Hopper outacting Reeves of course, but who cares! And Sandra Bullock in her first big role. Its just a great rollercoaster ride of a movie.

fav quote: Pop Quiz, Hot Shot?

Con Air
Premise: Completely ridiculous plot about cons hijacking a plane. No, no, I see you pointing at my criteria paragraph above, ... it might be ridiculous, but it was so OTT that well, I just can't help it. Granted on a rewatch, I laughed a lot.

Why I like it? *sheepish grin* Because of Cameron Poe? And Cyrus the Virus? Its the characters, ok. I like the characters and the soundtrack and the 'you have got to be kidding me'-ness of it all. You cheer for Cameron, you Boo Cyrus and it has a plane land on the Vegas Strip. And Nic Cage was still cool in those days.

fav quote: Put the bunny back in the box.

Face Off
Premise: Stop looking at me like that! I have not lost my mind! Its a good, ridiculous movie! (I am beginning to regret writing that criteria section though). In a completely and utterly impossible series of events two arch enemies Castor Troy and Sean Archer swop faces (and heal up using miracle drugs) and ... John Woo insanity ensues.

Why I like it? John Woo. No really. That's pretty much it. Ok, no  - and Cage and Travolta. They were all still cool. Nic has decent hair, Travolta was still riding his Pulp Fiction high, and Woo was new enough to Hollywood that his hong kong style was fresh and innovative (and Hulk was a distant distant nightmare, but Sense and Sensibility rocked). But it is mostly the film itself that hooks me - not so much the acting. Its just beautifully shot and edited. The story is so ridiculous you (me) just don't care and you end up rooting for everyone.

fav quote: You dress up like halloween, ghouls will try get into your pants

Die Hard
Premise: Its a classic. Look it up :-)

Why I like it? *giggles and draws hearts around Alan Rickman* Gosh, this movie is chockfull of classic moments, lines and characters. Fantastic good guy, with family issues and drama. Excellently evil villian (and henchmen). Just... *hugs* The amout of hurt that John goes through in the film and just keeps on going.... AIeeeeeeeeeeeeee *flails*

Lethal Weapon
Premise: Cliched buddy cop movie on steroids!

Why I like it? My love of bantering partners stems from this movie. Riggs and Murtaugh and their friendship/partnership = FTW. The story isn't too bad either, it certainly gets me rooting for the good guys, even if the villian isn't a 'super' villian. *draws hearts over Mel when he was still decent*

Weigh in, flist. Yay, nay? What did I miss? (yes, I am insane)

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