Fav Movies: Romance

Sep 30, 2012 18:00

One of my fav ice breakers when I am training is to ask the group what their favourite movie is. Invariably you get a list of the cliches and the odd obscure reference to a movie no one has heard of. And I end up fobbing the one smart-alec who asks me what my fav is, with something inane like 'Oh, its too hard for me to chose. Anyway...'. And I move on.

Because the truth is - I don't have a 'fav' movie of all time. I have a collection. A series of movies I love all dependent on the genre and my mood. And now for your reading pleasure, is a series of posts detailing my fav movies, because its good to keep those writing juices flowing. So here's your chance, flist. Weigh on your favourite: Romantic Movie! (aside: why am I chosing Romance first, when I am *so* not a shipper? You've Got Mail is on TV as I type this and well.. \o/)

Romance is not everyone's cup of tea (or glass of water, or even bowl of broth) but admit it, you have at least one romantic film on your fav list (I hope). Here, in no particular order are my favourite romantic (comedies mostly) movies:

You've Got Mail (no suprise)
Premise - you don't know? Sheesh. Girl and Boy chat on line, but meet in RL without realising who eachother are (at first), fight in RL but are meant for eachother. Girl and Boy own bookstores.

Why do I like it? - Come on! The movie references, the Joni Mitchell references, the P&P references. The banter, the dialogue. Steve Zahn! Of course Tom Hanks is brilliant and I love him in this. His character is just so roguishly charmingly ineffective :) I'm not a huge fan of Meg Ryan, but in this she is cute and adorable and just *smishes her*. Its about a book store and a love story with literature overtones and homages all over the place. Its a good movie.

fav quote: I was hoping it would be you.

Notting Hill
Premise - really? you don't know? Famous movie star meets bumbly foppish but cute book store owner, over a series of unlikely and amusing events. They fall in love and eventually... well... :)

Why do I like it? - its set in London (nostalgia!), it has Hugh Grant at his best, Spike is hilarious and Julia Roberts smiles a lot. Actually, its a series of 'scenes' that win me in this movie. The birthday party. The Hampstead Heath scene. The chase at the end. The press conference. Spike and the Press. And its the characters - all so quirky and endearing. And its the soundtrack. Gah! between City of Angels and this soundtrack, I am in heaven. Its a movie I can watch over and over from any point and still squee like a little fangirl at my fav scenes.

fav quote: I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Pride and Prejudice
Premise: Nope you're just going to have to read it.

Why do I like it? O.o Ah, yes, I am an Austenite. A Darcy-girl. And yes, I refer to the BBC mini-series and not the movie (ugh Kiera, ugh). Its ... everything. The story, the characters, the secrets, the drama, the historical setting, Colin Firth, Mr Collins - heeeee... I just love it all. My fav moments revolve of course around the Lizzie/Darcy proposal and when she goes to Pemberley. But gosh, my mother and I have watched this... a lot

fav quote: everything :)

Bridget Jones
Premise: Modernish version(ish) of Pride and Prejudice, only with a quirky funny British gal (played by an American) who ends up as a reporter.

Why do I like it? Colin Firth, Hugh Grant and Rene. :) Its a great book I'm told. For once I have no desire to read it. The movie... is sufficient. The humour, the twists, poor Bridget is mirror of portions of my life. Daniel is just - so anti-Hugh's normal roles. And well, there's the fight and the kiss in the snow and her parents and the diary format and just... \o/

fav quote: It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.

Other notable entries on the list:
The Wedding Singer
Music and Lyrics
50 1st Dates
Ever After
While you were Sleeping

In future fav movie posts: Fav Action. Fav Adventure. Fav Sci Fi. Fav Historical. Fav Drama , etc etc :)

fav movies

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