Aug 13, 2008 00:49

Last year I started a Monkey Island screencap adventure - sadly soon afterwards my computer died and it just kept slipping my mind. But with all the recent activity on Screencappery I've really had a lot of motivation to churn out another part. I'm using the same copy of Monkey Island but following some advice from
Zarla I'm using a DOS emulator called DOSBox now instead of ScummVM, which explains why the game looks a little different. It's just a lot easier to do screen caps with DOSBox. I hope you enjoy this, I am! :3

The journey thus far: CLICK HERE :)

Last time, we left our hero Guybrush Threepwood in the SCUMM bar just as he was charged with the Three Trials by the pirate leaders. LucasArts games are usually very forgiving about the order in which you do things (usually very forgiving, period), so we could do any of the three trials first, but because I love how swordfighting works in Monkey Island we'll do the swordsmanship trial. However, we still have a bit to finish up in the bar.The kitchen is off to the right, but if you try to enter when the chef is there...

Fortunately he has to make his rounds and all we need to do is wait for him to leave (though, if he's still on the screen with you when you enter he'll stop you again).

Since this is an adventure game, once inside the kitchen we immediately start to steal everything not nailed down. Unlike a King's Quest game, though, if you miss something here you can always come back for it. As an example, in the corner you can see some of the pirates' infamous grog - we don't have anything to carry it with so we'll have to come back later, and as you'll see it's not the sort of thing you want to keep on your person for long. D:

Might as well do some cooking while we're here.

The last thing to get here is the red fish lying on the dock, but as soon as you approach it a bird swoops down and starts eating it. If you try and take the fish away from the bird...

Since Guybrush wants to keep both his hands (a mistake - hooks are in for pirates) we have to figure out a way to get rid of that bird. I remember the very first time I played this game I got confused and thought you had to use something on the bird, but it's really much simpler - if you walk to the end of the dock a loose board will pop up and fling the bird into the air. Do it a few times and you can walk over and get the fish.

We're done here, but as soon as we leave the bar there is a cut scene...

This is the LeChuck we heard about earlier, and his assistant, Bob (we'll see more of both later).

Bob's worried about a new pirate in town...

WHO COULD IT BE actually Bob isn't that worried, but LeChuck says that he can't let anything happen to his plan and he'll handle this personally. Returning to our hero, we have several choices here. To the right of the bar is town, and heading left will eventually take us to the island map. We need some things for the swordsmanship test (like, say, a sword) but since we have no money at the moment there's no reason to go into town. Instead, we head out of the bar...

Then up to the cliff side...

Then past the blind lookout...

And finally we are on the island map. You can see Guybrush here over the town entrance, and several points we can go to (little lights on the map, though there are several that are not marked). At the moment we want to go to the clearing in the middle.

It's a circus :o

These are the Fettucini Brothers, and they are arguing over which one of them should test the cannon out. Neither of them wants to be first in... but fortunately Guybrush is here. :D

You can say whatever you want to them, but no matter what they will just run over and try and convince you to take a ride in their cannon.

Like any good pirate, Guybrush asks the most important question first:

Hell yeah. And as you'll see there IS a reason it's not a round number.

OF COURSE we have a helmet can anyone guess what it is? :D

Eh... Guybrush doesn't have much to protect anyway. He gets in the cannon...

But the aim is a bit off.

Ahahaha! I love that. The reply about Bobbin is a reference to LOOM an earlier LucasArts game (which has already been covered in a screencap adventure here if you are interested).

Now that we have some money we can head back to town.

And to the right of the bar...

Eventually gets you here. This guy is a little... odd... but he has an item we need.

He's flashing us with maps. D:

It cost us 100 pieces of eight.Well we want to take a look at what we just bought, so...

Guybrush says that he thinks he's been ripped off, but since this is an adventure game it will obviously be useful later on. To the left of the map flasher seller is a group of pirates and a rat. I didn't get good screencaps of this (because I forgot exactly what happened here until I was well into it), but every time you move your cursor over the rat the leftmost pirate gets upset and warns you off.

Eventually the rat will run away, and you can talk to

Let's try a different approach.

Ahhh, Stan. We will definitely see him later. And those chimps must have been brilliant to get a good deal out of him...

Here the pirates basically tell you that the maps you get from the map guy are crap and they can sell you a better one... just kidding :D

And now we have a nice, even, 380 pieces of eight. The next thing we want to do in town is to enter this door here:

Inside is the VOODO LADY :O

Poor Guybrush everyone gets his name wrong.

The cauldron rises up and the screen flashes as it reveals the skull there, but I couldn't really get any good screencaps.


To the left of the Voodo Lady (who has now disappeared) is a little room you can look around, but the only thing you can steal of interest is this:

Well... I'll just stuff that into my pants... Next up we need to continue deeper into town:

We're being Pssssst'ed! Following it into the alley:

Shinetop ahahah...dammit I'm bald too. D: No reason to stay in the alley now so heading back out:

We'll head into the building on the right here:

A shop! There's a lot of things you can do here, but at the moment we just want two items. A shovel:

And a sword.

Before leaving you buy them by talking to the shopkeeper. Now we have the sword we need, but unfortunately Guybrush has no idea at all how to use one. We'll need to find some training. None is to be found in town, so we'll head back out to the island map.

We're heading to the house on the right there. Click on it, and Guybrush starts walking, but on the way he runs into a little trouble...

What the hell, a troll?


If you ask him what he wants in return for letting you buy he gives this helpful answer:

And we have just the thing!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

After you pass by the 'troll' takes off his headpiece and eats the fish:

This however lets us continue to the house we were aiming for.

Awesome, just the kind of place we need!

So it looks like we'll need to fight Carla to prove our worth as a swordsman. But first, the training...


Sure it is...

And this is why sword fighting in Monkey Island is so awesome and fun, it is INSULT sword fighting. :D

And with that our training is over. As he leaves the house Guybrush says 'I'm getting the feeling I was ripped off. I bet you are getting that same feeling.' :D

So now we need to go out and learn some insults. The way it works is that there is a set list of insults to choose from, and a set of correct responses to each. But you can only use an insult and its response if you have heard both before, so you have to go and engage in a lot of insult sword fighting to build up a repertoire. Fortunately there are now a bunch of pirates running around the island itching for a fight.

Hard to see but they are the little dots to the left. If you just stand around long enough one will run into you and the fight will begin:

Since we are just beginning we only have the insults we learned in training:

Which this pirate obviously knows.

He strikes back:

A new insult! We learn this just by hearing it, but we don't know the correct response yet - we'll have to wait until we use the insult ourself against a pirate who does know the correct response and hear him say it. Amusingly, if you ask the pirates to repeat themselves they will:

Since we don't know the correct reply we just have to give a lame comeback.

This lets the pirate strike again:

We know this one! :D


And Guybrush loses. That's okay though, because we need to do this a TON of times to get enough insults to face the sword master. Many times you won't learn anything new from a pirate, and you just have to repeat the process over and over and over again (I didn't want to screencap the endless fights, but you can see a list of the insults and the correct responses here: INSULT FIGHTING). Eventually:

This means we can start looking for the sword master. I actually fought on a while more to get more insults (and because I love insult swordfighting) but you can win with less than the complete list. I didn't get a cap, but the shopkeeper mentioned something about the sword master when you bought the sword, so he seems like a reasonable person to ask about her.

And he leaves to go see her. We COULD engage in some fun in the shop while he's gone (and we will, later), but for now we need to follow him to get the sword master's location (if you just wait he'll return to tell you that she's not interested in meeting).

This is a kind of maze you need to get through, but it's easy at the moment because we just follow the shopkeeper on each screen.

Yes, I will get some of those flowers when I pass through here again :p. I forgot. Fortunately this is a LucasArts game and I can get them later...

You can see that the bridge here is broken, but by watching the shopkeeper Guybrush learns that by pushing the sign it fixes itself and you can cross to find:

The shopkeeper talks to the sword master for a bit and she accuses him of just making any excuse to come see her, and he leaves. We're not about to, though...

Try some diplomacy.

And the fight begins! The sword master uses new insults you haven't heard before... but the correct replies are the same as the set of insults you learned from the random pirates, so you just have to be clever and figure out which one fits. Or check an FAQ. :p Another difference with this fight is that the swordmaster always says the insults and you just say the replies, there's no back and forth like with the random pirates. Note that I don't have the proper reply to some of her attacks...

Ahahah what a perfect reply to finish with! Guybrush wins!

But what did she give us? :o

Oh, of course! What else would it be...

And that's the end of the first trial and this episode of the Monkey Island screencap adventure. Next up, finding the treasure of Melee Island!
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