「i'm dreaming for your dream.」

Jun 30, 2010 00:39

The TARDIS landed with its trademark noise, as the Doctor checked the signs on the monitor. "Yes, alright--Elizabethan era! Beautiful time, rich in art, history, science, controversy--ah, we might not want to step into the controversy parts, those might... not be so nice." He paused, thinking for a moment, before shaking his head. "Come on, Pond! Dressing up is what you women're all about, isn't it? Come on, come on, no time to spare." He glanced at his watch, and backtracked, towards the TARDIS wardrobe.

"Well, enough time to spare to get you into one of those ridiculous dresses. Amelia!" He called, throwing the door open on the massive wardrobe the TARDIS maintained. There was an oval mirror near the entrance, and as he rustled through the various clothes inside, he found quite a bit--a spare kimono, a long brown coat (his Tenth incarnation's) off to the side.

There had to be some sort of dress around here, he distinctly remembered Donna laughing at how poofy it was.

"Well, suppose shopping isn't that bad of a... ooh." The Doctor caught sight of a normal, rag-tag tunic and breeches that would be perfect if Amy decided to go for the, ur, peasant look.

He, of course, wasn't changing. He never looked out of place; all he had to do was walk around like he owned the place, and people left him alone.

companion: amelia "amy" pond, universe: compass, timeline: cold blood

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