Firstly... A Nine/Rose community celebrating all that is wonderful about our lovely Ninth Doctor and his Rose. They're holding a ficathon...go check it out and sign up. The prompts to choose from are really rather good! If you don't want to sign up, then you could always just read the fics
*grins and hints*
Yes, it's that time again folks! The Auction is looming large, and I for one can't wait! It was soooo much fun last time that I may not sleep for the whole auction this time *reminds self to brew gallons of industrial strength black coffee in preparation.*
There some incredible authors with some amazing really don't want to miss it.
Don't believe me, then go here and check out the current list of sign-up and authors. And yes, before you ask, I'm in amongst them.
Okay, pimpage over, Go check 'em both out.