Photos of (some) new purchases! (Others are being held hostage in my suitcase which is currently residing at Chris's). And of Cut Copy night, a.k.a the night that kind of died on its arse without going anywhere.
At Belgian Beer Cafe:
My top was $10 from some factory outlet store (I love it! It has mix tapes all over it and we all know I am a sucker for mix tapes. However before we left my house Jules said 'You know tapes are obsolete, right?') and I had a Cotton On pencil skirt on, with Diva peacock earrings. It was quite a nice outfit BUT these photos do not do it justice as I am slouching horribly and look AWFUL posture-wise.
and.. new things!
Valleygirl top, $25. It's ruffly all the way down but you can't really tell from this photo.
Shoes from Emporium, this four-storey shoe shop in the middle of Hay St. I think the brand is Allure and they were only $20 on sale! They are very cute but as you might be able to see some of the diamentes have already fallen off D:
Fabulous drag-queen-mermaid shoes, $50! Half price from Zu. They are my new love. It is only fair, since my other love's new love is his Ps3.
And finally. The piece de resistance. My new favourite possession, words cannot describe, etc.
(I am wearing my school leavers jacket. Rawk.)
Hooray for Sex!
I went to Bunbury on the weekend and it was weird being there with Chris. He's met my family before but always in Perth. It's just weird seeing your hometown and the house you grew up in through someone else's perspective. Bunbury IS a nice place to grow up in, our house was only about 10 minutes away from the beach, one cinema, etc. It wasn't until I was about 16 that I realised Bunbury was known for just being full of drugs and about three quarters of the people I knew were heavily using them. That kind of tainted the idyllic childhood idea.
I only left high school two years ago, but it's weird to see how friendships have changed already. For ages, I told my friend I was down this weekend, I really wanted her to meet Chris, she was all into the idea, then she just doesn't turn up to coffee. Because she was in Perth getting drunk again the weekend after she'd had alcohol poisoning. It also kind of irks me that every band that comes into Bunbury, she brags about being invited back to their hotel and how now they have songs dedicated to her and oh isn't the groupie life just grand. Well I'm sure I have made myself seem pathetic enough! But yes I never really understood how quickly people grow apart after high school.