Random Wren and Young Justice 6

Oct 17, 2012 00:56

"We can argue about this later," Batman interrupted, giving him a calculated stare. It made Jason wonder if the man was trying to fit the information on what he knew about the Red Hood. If he was lying or if he was telling the truth. Jason wanted to beat him around the head a few times. That look could always reduce him to paranoia. "You must keep the child awake. We will take you to where we are holding Red Robin."

Jason turned to her, seeing her dozing and drooling on his shoulder. He shook her a bit, Wren moaned against his shoulder in response. Green Lantern formed a disk that him, Batman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman stepped onto. On the way to where ever, Jason had to think about why so many heroes were there. They probably wanted to interrogate him. They probably were looking for him all day, trying to figure out where he was and what he was up to. Having called them on their emergency channel to hand over a dying man for them to help had left them with lots of questions. A bit of pride that he was such a priority puffed his chest for a moment before the divide that separated him from them loomed. He was a hero, just not their kind of hero. He was too rough and unpolished and undisciplined.

But there was one thing Jason was good at, that was looking out for what was his. And Wren, the child in his arms was his. Given to him by the Replacement on what could be his last moments. The underwear brigade would do everything in their power to keep Red Robin alive but even he knew they weren't gods.

Wren shivered against his shoulder and he wrapped her in his leather jacket. She was clammy to the touch and covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He allowed Wonder Woman to get close enough to help with his charge but every time Batman moved, Jason tensed, his fingers itching for his guns or knives. He tried to talk to his young charge, get her to focus on him but she kept muttering the same thing over and over again.

"What is she saying?" The Flash asked.

"None of your business," Red Hood hissed.

"867-5309. Its the emergency number for the Batcave," Batman said. "She's also asking for Agents Alpha and Zed. Robin is trained to have emergency responders call that number. She's repeated it in quite a few languages."

"And what else is she also asking for, Battyman? My niece is asking that you don't hurt her again, for me to protect her."

"If you had just come to us sooner, brought her in..." Wonder Woman started.

"You aren't my friends. You aren't my team mates. You sure as hell aren't *my* Justice League. When I came through, you didn't know me from Adam and first impressions last the longest. I showed up half out of my mind, covered in someone else's blood with a couple psychos on my tail, and *on fire.* Neither one of us stopped to ask questions on what was going on. You attacked, I attacked right back. I didn't trust you then, I don't trust you now but you're the best hope my brother and niece have. Screw with them, I will take you apart piece by piece."

"There's no need to threaten."

"Fuck you, princess. Ultraman... fuck... Superman threw Wren into a wall. If you didn't have my baby brother, I'd be taking Wren to my people and you'd still be trying to find us."

They traveled up the coast the slow way rather then taking a zeta tube. Red Hood wasn't about to take Wren through one of those things with an undefined head injury, though he had his suspicions. She was stable for now and the fresh sea air seemed to do her some good. It took about 20 minutes to get to Mount Justice in the green bubble GL formed around them to take them faster. Somebody had radioed ahead and told them about the 'prisoners' because when they got to the mountain, the whole lot of them were there to great them. Not just Tornado and Black Canary but also Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, the Atom, and the Young Justice team.

As soon as he saw the lot of them, his arm went around Wren, holding her close to him, almost lifting her up off the ground, kind of wedging her to his side, almost like he was going to carry her on his hip, despite the awkwardness of the hold. His enchanted kris in hand, ready to slice and dice. Apparently Wren sensed the danger and slipped out of his grasp. A quick 'kshick' and she had a pair of jō, one for each hand. His now-empty hand had automatically reached for a gun. He didn't notice that until after he noticed that both him and Wren were growling at the crowd in unison.

"Back off," Red Hood said, calculating angles and escape routes. Every nerve fiber in his body twanging. He wanted to fight, rip, tear, smell blood and cordite and get Wren the fuck out of there. Toomany,Tooclose,escape,runrunRUNRUN!!!

"Stand down!" Batman's firm order, not loud but commanding, in that voice. Well, Jason was ashamed to say, after all this time he still responded to it. His guns lowering and his body positioning into a semi-relaxed stance. He didn't have time to think about anyone noticing before Wren was wavering on her feet. Her left leg giving out beneath her, despite using the jō to steady herself.

Robin moved swiftly to catch her, the only one paying attention to her instead of the maniac holding the guns, holding her up to keep her from face planting into the floor. Just as swiftly, Jason's gun barrel was at the back of the boy wonder's head. That froze everybody. Everybody but his strange niece that he'd only known for 24 hours.

Softly, she sniffed at Robin, her nose shuffling and sniffing like a dog with an unfamiliar scent. Wren wriggled against him, twisting around and bracing herself against the frozen boy, her nose going higher, up into his hair. Only Red Hood gun kept him still when she licked his ear a bit.

"Mea Tia?" she asked as she ran a hand over his face gently. Her sticks disappearing as swiftly as they appeared. "Ce faci aici? Te doare capul meu şi totul are gust ciudat. Puneţi pistolul la loc, Bluejay. Vă sperie Tia mea." (1)

"Ai vorbit romaneste?" Robin asks. (2)

"Desigur" Wren replies. (3)

"Vorbesc Romana prost. fata stiu aflaţi copil. este... er... She's you from another dimension." (4)

(1) My aunt, what are you doing here? My head hurts and everything here tastes strange. Put that gun away, Bluejay. Your scaring my aunt.

(2) You speak Romainian?

(3) Of course.

(4) Romanian bad talk. girl know learn baby. is you. (or Jason trying to say in his stilted Romanian that "She speaks Romanian because she learned it as a kid because she's you from another dimension.")

jason todd, fanfiction, alternate universe, red hood, wren, red robin

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