My sick, sick mind

Mar 30, 2012 18:16

Random writing while at work. Thought of a really twisted up story. What if Tim was forced back into the haunting loneliness of his child hood. To rambling around a mansion. But I take it one step further. As always. What if he didn't have a choice, what if he's ripped out of time and placed on another dimension cross paths to his own. Like the ghosts from "Being Human." Oh, he doesn't die but rather get trapped.

What if he is the ghost of Wayne Manor, his life put on hold while the rest of the family goes on with life. Damian grows up, Jason comes back and is apart of the family, Bruce moves on (maybe even getting married and having a kid.) And Tim is stuck there, in-between, forced to watch but not be apart of it all.

There'd have to be a way from him from going bat-shit crazy. So I thought of an out. Or part of one. Tim picks up an enchanted book and reads it, leaving it behind on a table in one of the less used libraries. And he's erased out of their lives. Or he's there but they just don't think about him anymore, like a long lost relative they don't see anymore. He can never touch the enchanted book again but others can. And he's scared to death that someone will and could be trapped like him. Oh, and he can read books. He can touch and read and interact with only books. But only one book at a time (so he can't just line them up saying "help" onto the floor.) And he can't touch another book until the first book is put back exactly where he got it. And the book he's touching become apart of him, so no mystery flying books.

In my head, I wrote the story (or parts of it) that he's trapped for about 5 years. Alfred picks up the enchanted book once and can see Tim but drops the book and forgets Tim moments later. Before Tim can be rescued. The dead can see Tim (not like Deadman but like when Alfred dies from old age, he spends some time with Tim before crossing into the light. So Alfred doesn't die alone and Tim gets to say goodbye.) And the very, very young. I'm thinking Bruce has a little girl or maybe Dick has a baby with Babs and the baby/kid can see them for a time but can't tell anyone.

Tim watches them move on with their lives, living in the books he can touch, carrying them around like a security blanket. He doesn't really need to sleep but does it anyways, sleeping on the beds next to his family. And exercising as much as he can with them in the cave. He can't open or walk through doors so has to slip through as the family moves. He once got trapped in a room, one reason to always have a book with him, in case he gets trapped again. He keeps the families routine to keep from going totally crazy. Living in their shadows.

Then one day, Damian picks up the book. And he's rescued. But after living for 5 years as a ghost, not eating or sleeping or exercising or talking, he's got some problems. And he has to be watched over, cared for. He's still a great planner, archiver, observer but forgets things like eating since he's out of practice.

Wrote one scene where he's reading a book and falls asleep. The well intentioned puts a blanket over his shoulders and put his book on the table and when Tim wakes up he has a panic attack. Cause if he looses his book and can't put it back, he'll be stuck with *nothing*, absolutely nothing to hold onto.

tim drake, books, plot bunnies

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