Hi Everyone

Feb 01, 2012 13:58

Okay so a little back story on me....Fun right? Well i am Vinnie *waves* and i recently became the very proud owner of a Rose Hair. Unsure of it's sex at this time but secretly hoping for a girl...I was told most sold in pet stores are females because males are usually not found often...Not sure how true this is but that's what i hear. Anywho my reasoning for wanting one of these amazing little creatures is i have a severe dislike for spiders and have all my life. I am not afraid of them they just creep me out. So it made perfect sense to me to have one as a pet lol...I have to say my first time holding mine i was terrified, but after i realized it was gentle and felt really soft i was okay. I've since been able to take it out of it's cage and hold it on my own. Making great strides. One thing i didn't think would ever happen is i actually love the spider. I sit and watch it at night, love watching it eat and just watching it move...

My daughter loves holding it!!

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