This is long but I'm due for a major update... =)

Jun 26, 2010 12:14

I don't know what makes you quit writing after being in a relationship. I think it's because you're always balancing life as well as spending time with your significant other. Just balancing life alone keeps you plenty busy!

My Significant other:
My Alvin and I see each other mostly on the weekends becuase of our work schedules. They don't really meet up well. But when we do see each other we're either walking down the beach or going to see $5 movies on Sundays after church. We have this ritual where on Sunday after church we'd see about three movies at the theater and then go eat at Golden corral. On Saturdays we don't do much since he works from 10am to 2pm, which is in the middle of the day. After he gets off we'd either go to a baseball game (if they are playing at home ( he has this thing about baseball which I obviously don't understand. LOL), or we'd go walking on the beach. It's nice to have the beach half hour a way from us. If we're at my place, it's only 8 miles down the road. We like going down to the beach because it's where we do most of our talking. There's just something about being around nature that helps get your mind clear.

Lately, we've been going to see his parents in Savannah about once a month. His dad has been falling again and is getting worse. We think he may have Parkinson's because he shows the signs of it. And he has been diagnosed with Dementia. His doctor refuses to look into it becuase his neurological exam came out negative. But the doctor hasn't considered Parkinson's. (He's tremoring now along with his memory loss and him falling.) They have gone to five different doctors and can't find anything wrong. We need to get someone like "House." =) Anyway, we have are starting to go up there once a month to help out in any way we can.

Some moving news:
I am moving in August to be closer to my Alvin. Yes, we live in the same city, but it's still like a 20 minute drive to get to his house. You could be driving an hour and you'd still be in Jacksonville, That's how big this county is. Naturally, we're the largest county in the nation... I got my apartment near my Alvin so I can save money on gas as it seems to be creeping back up. Also, our church is near by and work is two lights up the street. My move in date is around August 29th. I'm happy about this because my sister won't be coming with me! I love her to pieces but I can't support her anymore. My finances has been so tapped out and I've been so stressed over it. She's going back to live with my mom and dad for a while until she gets herself together. They are going to make her pay rent and will help her learn to pay bills. If she doesn't do well with in two years then they are going to have to kick her out. They don't want to, that's why they are giving her a two year plan. But I think she won't hit bottom until she's absolutely out on her own. I've been there and I'm still struggling.

Some very good and hopeful news!
Yesterday I go a call for an interview to teach in Duval County! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I debated telling my boss about the interview because I wasn't sure how he'd take it. My Alvin told me to do a white lie and tell him nothing. But God told me to be honest. So I went to work this morning and share him my news. He's very excited for me! There is a lady who is a regular customer and she is a school board member. My boss told me when he sees her he'll talk to her about me and put in a good word. She knows who I am as well. I'm elighted that my boss would even go that far for me knowing that he'll be losing me! He told me that I've worked too hard and deserve to go after my dream of being a teacher. Working at Gate isn't a dream job. He knows I've been wanting this and sees how hard I've been working towards it. And he is giving me his recommendation when the supervisor calls hm and he'll talk to the school board member. Actually, it's been interesting to see how this has played out. Apparently, my professor for the methods class knows my supervisor through his children! They are neighbors I think. And the supervisor knows who my piano professor as well. There are all of these connections that will hopefully work in my favor. But I know God will have a hand in it where ever this takes me. I'm just so excited even to get an interview even if I don't get hired. (But I believe I will be hired somewhere, even if it's not in Duval County.)

I told Alvin about this and he felt bad that he told me to lie. He was glad that I didn't take his advice and from now on he'd just say that honesty is the best policy. His experience in telling the truth has been different then mine, so I do understand where he's coming from. But I know that I've always shared things with my boss and telling him was the right thing to do.

Any rate, I really want to stay in Duval county due to my doctor and the clinic being right here. I am settled here. I just know that God will bless me with a job here and money will be good and I can start paying off things. God has always provided for me and I will always believe He will. Even if the money is a low paying job, teaching will make me happier then what I'm doing now. I know I'm in God's will and

My Health News:
So far I am undetectable, but I've been missing alot of meds due to my stress level. It's been hard to take meds when you are so tired. My sleeping has improved somewhat with the Trazadone. I've been sleeping at least four hours straight without waking up. This is an improvement when you are used to getting up every hour through out the night! I'm slowly changing my diet because I found that it has been helping me when I eat healthy. Eating healthy is lke a pain killer. I eat good to keep the pains away. Also, I treat it like an anti-depressent. Some foods just make you feel good and powerful. LOL. I've been eating Spinach and putting it in meat loaf. My Alvin loves the new recipe! It's been a big hit every time I give someone a taste. I use ground turkey for my meat loaf.

My caffeine intake has dropped considerably as I only have one cup of coffee during the morning and one when I'm working in the evening. But it's been so hot that I drink sweet iced tea instead. Just one cup though! I switched my soda habit to drinking Powerade Zero. My bad thing is that I still eat chips from time to time. I just love them. I quit using cheese dip and try to get something that has flavor already in it. And most recently I've been munching on peanuts and sunflower seeds. I'm bad at snacking when I read a  book. LOL. I know change doesn't happen over night, but I'm working on it.

Anyhow, I should get going as I have a lot to do before I pick up Alvin at work. I have no idea of what we are going to do today, but at least we'll spend the rest of the day together.

God is so good. Indeed.
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