it'll take more than that...

May 23, 2008 12:43

I am not well versed on the subject of weird internet things; I come here for the fic, the cartoons and occasionally to bitch about how deeply, deeply shit a lot of humans are. I also don't know a lot about furries, except that they dress up in costumes and write stories about humans with fur having sex with other humans with fur. Scales. A trunk. Whatever. Just from wandering blithely through the confines of lj, it seems that this writing of humans with fur having sex with other humans with fur isn't really approved of by a lot of people. Quite a few people, in fact, seem to hate it with a deep, righteous wrath. So I went to Google and I typed in 'yiff' and I said, "Well. That's a human with fur having sex with another human with fur, that is. No doubt about it."

Is it just because I write and read giant robot porn and Shredder/Krang slash that this doesn't squick me? (Probably, yes.) Is there some extra dimension of gross here that I'm not getting? I can see how maybe you could be worried about the bestiality angle, but... it's a human. With fur. And sentience. And maybe big ears. Hell, I've seen weirder looking humans than that in real life, and the thought of them having sex doesn't break my brain.

On the other hand, Storm/Black Panther throws my brain out of a fifth floor window and dances on its shards, so what do I know.
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