Random thought...

May 21, 2008 15:05

I haven't really examined the Pit in forever, but... is it just me, or is there a preoccupation with baby transformers? 'Sparklings' is a cute word for a newly-activated soldier, sure, but the concept of TFs starting out with small, cuddly bodies and getting bigger as they get older seems as weird as the idea of testicles on a Decepticon. Even if it is the 'natural' process, we know that they can build one another, and we know that the ones we see being built in any series do not start out life as an armful. Presumably because their creators realised that being small and cuddly in the middle of an intergalactic war would not really make anyone's life easier.

I don't mind babies. But there's only so much untempered cute I can handle.

*goes to find some good Rattrap fic*
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