HEY LJ, VROOM VROOM, Hey tara, you are not a car

May 28, 2007 22:08


Happy Birthday Little Accent!

Didn't hit 100,000 in the morning on the way to tafe, so I had to take the photo in the evening.  I actually got in the car, started driving to the gym, and as I was driving along Canterbury rd, I noticed that it was at 100,000 and I had forgotten to get my camera out.  So I was like OMGWTFBBQ as I fumbled around for my camera whilst also trying to... not crash.  I took a few rushed photos, and probably scared a few people with the bright flashes coming from my car.  I was honestly surprised that any turned out.  But there you go.  How excitement.

And while I am at it, here are some other photos from off my camera, from when Cam and I drove up to Saratoga and I made him take me boating.

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