2 quick things that happened this morning that just make me realize why I enjoyed my vacation last week….
1) “Hey… you remember that problem we had 9 months ago on my machine?”
Really? Yes… I remember it explicitly. I only sit here and twiddle my thumbs all day waiting for you to call with a problem. No, I haven’t had a thousand other issues that have come up since then.
2) E-Mail from manager of other group: “I need an FTP account created on our web site for a customer. Can you do that?” (OK… are you seeing where this is going to go yet?)
Me: “Do you need an FTP account? Or an Account on our web based file system?”
Manager: “An account.”
Me: “No. I cant do that. Send message to helpdesk@ and one of the guys in the head office will have to do that for you.”
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