.. And it's not even a real song, either. It's just a bunch of guitars and drums being beaten and played at the same time, and sometimes there will be an occasional guy going "Wohoo!" It's driving me crazy, but not as bad as yesterday when I had the annoying theme song to Hello Kitty ringing in my head... I was about two steps short of just shoving my head into the blender adn turning it onto liquid stirr! Oo;
Anyways, my home is now complete. Everything is set up, put into place, and it looks as good as ever, er well.. It looks real nice! ^^; I moved one of the beds from the 'guest room' (pah, I turned that room into a sort of 'hang out' area) and put it into my bedroom so my bed is REAL big! So now, if I want to, I can just jump on it and spread out my arms and legs.. Or just lay horizontally across it.. Whatever, my bed is just big now, that's all. >8|
Crystal is going to drop by, because I guess there was something real important she needed to talk to me about. Now, by my guesses, it either has to do something with her stupid ex, or uh.. Tina. Which she wasn't too pleased hearing about, I can tell.. uhm... But anyways, she'll probably be here for a bit, so I've definately got to get some food going on. Eheh, I hope she likes Sakkio! ^^; Because that's all I've been eating for the past 4 days straight! (thank goodness though.. I plan on going to
Gotens' cooking class tomorrow ^^; Guess I'll be seeing
some of you there *g*)
Also on tomorrow's agenda, aside from work, I've got to stop by
Videls place to uh... give her something that I accidently brought over with me. *shifty eyes* yeah.. that sounds about right..*COUGH*
Well, I guess I'm done here for right now. I'm going to go head out and get some food. And while I'm at it, I'm going to grab a recipe book, too.