Official Great Strides Post

Mar 03, 2008 21:33

As I've mentioned a lot recently in my LiveJournal, this year we'll be walking in the Great Strides walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation through the Great Strides fund raiser. The CFF is responsible for most of the medicines currently used to treat CF and they are one of the most efficient charities in the US. $0.90 of every dollar donated is funneled directly into research toward a cure, better treatments and programs that help CF patients manage their daily lives.

1. Join Team Cassiebug and help us raise money to cure CF!
You DO NOT have to physically be in Dallas to walk with us May 17th. There are Great Strides walks happening all around the country that day. You can sign up as part of Team Cassiebug and attend a local event to actually take part in the walk. If you send me a picture of yourself, I and other team members will carry it with us so the entire team can be together in spirit if not fact. If you do live in the Dallas area, or will be in Dallas the day of the walk please walk with us at the Plano/Collin County event. We want as many people as possible out there supporting Cassidy and taking this important step toward a cure.
• Team members help raise money by asking friends, family and anyone they like to sponsor them for the Great Strides walk. You can collect donations through the Great Strides website on your very own team member page, or if people would like to donate via check, money order, cash, etc, all of that can be mailed to me directly prior to the walk and will be presented to the Great Strides organizers the day of the walk here in Dallas.

2. Make a donation to the CFF through Team Cassiebug.
Help us reach our fund raising goal by visiting the Team Cassiebug Great Strides page and making a donation. Every little bit helps! If you can only donate $1, that's still $1 closer to our goal. If you are uncomfortable donating online, please email me at and we can work out some other means for you to donate, such as a money order or personal check sent directly to our team. Please remember - ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE! I have charitable contribution receipts I can provide for anyone that donates and would like one.

3. Purchase a copy of Cadberry's Letters for a local school or doctor's office.
Recently, I created a kid's picture book for Cassidy to help explain CF in terms a preschooler can understand. Filled with beautiful artwork the book follows the story of a little bunny named Cadberry as he learns abut CF and how it affects his daily life. The book is self-published through and 100% of the artist and author royalties will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. That's $3 for every book sold. You can see a preview of the book and purchase a copy at:

4. Spread the word!
Let your friends and family know about our fund raising efforts and how they can help. You can send them a link to:
•this LiveJouranl post - or
•Team Cassiebug's Great Strides page - or
•Cassidy's Great Strides Video on You Tube - or
•The listing for Cadberry's Letters on -

Thank you for all of your help and support! Together we can help find a cure for CF and help children like Cassidy, live longer, fuller lives!

cf, great strides, charity, cystic fibrosis, cassidy

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