Apr 22, 2009 05:38
I've almost finished my first year back to college and here i am stuck in crisis mode again...Right now its so bad that i'm numb,..between school, work, home, and greer being gone i thought i would crack, but i guess that i've reached a level of acceptance that either everything will get done or it won't...i'm even prepared to take an extra summer class if I fail my psych class...which right now is a distinct possibility...one of my classes is finished, another i don't have a final in, but do have a long research paper due next tuesday (i haven't even started it yet!). I also have a group project due in psych class and another paper due in lit. then two finals, psych and lit on the 5th of May...I've got everything set up now all i need to do is follow through...i think...life is not all about school now either, on thursday it take your child to work day, so i am taking sara to work with me that morning...there's an cultural equality fair thurs night where i could possibly make some contacts closer to my age in the GLBTQ community..i think thats something i've been needing for a long time...greer is getting settled in Portland, but i worry about the money issues we will face...he hasn't started looking for a job yet because he has to fly back here to testify in a felony case on the 30th...i was sort of hoping that he would flood the market with resumes before he came down so that he could be available to work immediately after the trial...but he's very much tied up in the hockey play-offs, getting himself and Silly on a schedule, and setting up his apartment...he also needs some get back in touch with portland time...he's trying to find a balance in his mind and spirit now that he's 'home'...i just can't keep supporting him if he takes much longer to get back in the swing of things. I've got to get some personal things taken care of that are going to require some accumulated savings of my own...i can't wait for finals to be over and to have 3 weeks before summer school starts...disneyland here i come!!!!