Title: make a cast of my body Rating: PG-13 Pairing(s): Tao/Kyungsoo, Tao & Kai Length: 2088 words Summary: The trick to killing is to convince people that they're already dead. Warning(s): minor character death, [spoiler]implied potential major character death, murder, mentions of blood, guns, violence Author’s Note: I was really excited to
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Title: time, inverted Rating: PG-13 Pairing(s): Tao/Sehun, minor!Tao/Kyungsoo Length: 1.6k words Summary: MAMA!au. If Zitao knows anything, it’s managing a lighthouse. And yet, somewhere between cleaning the windows of the lantern room and weeding the walkways, he finds out he’s destined for… something else. Warning(s): very minor
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Prompt: #206 Title: 오늘은 어제와는 다를 거야 Pairing: tao/d.o., cameos by other kpop idols Length: 1820 words Rating: PG Warning(s): one instance of a swear word (not used in a deprecating manner) Summary: Do Kyungsoo was a straight A+ student and didn't do fuck-ups like assume someone was Chinese just because they looked Chinese. Seriously. Author’s Note:
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