(no subject)

Sep 23, 2007 04:09

Welcome to the MADNESS that is an LiveJournal Challenge Dump. Below you'll find the tables, charts, personal challenges, and so forth that I, in my infinite and bungling wisdom, decided to take part in.

Yeah, I'm scared to look too.

CSI50 - Ryan Wolfe / CSI - Crossover

t 1, p 019. Strangers t 2, p 038.Take a Stand t 2, p 044 y.one by one t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p y.--- t x, p 49.writer's choice t x, p 50.writer's choice

CSI50 - Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders

001.crime scene 002.forensics 003.microscope 004.love 005.lust 006.hate 007.anger 008.black 009.white 010.colourless 011.colourful 012.blood 013.evidence 014.truth 015.lie 016.oath 017.time 018.partners 019.strangers 020.lab 021.sound 022.taste 023. sight 024.touch 025.smell 026.daydream 027.dream 028.nightmare 029.day 030.night 031.hot 032.cold 033.regret 034.victim 035.suspect 036.jealousy 037.life 038.death 039.secret 040.pictures 041.hard 042.soft 043.dark 044.light 045.city 046.vehicle 047.fireworks 048.sex 049.writer's choice 050.writer's choice

Author: tanzensiemit
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Claim: Ryan Wolfe/Kyle Wolfe (OMC) 01. --- Party
02. --- Naked
03. --- Tragedy
04. --- Music
05. --- Secrets
06. --- Intent
07. --- Criminal
08. --- Bus Ride
09. --- School Days
10. --- The Truth
Progress: 3/10

Author: tanzensiemit
Fandom: Life
Claim: Charlie Crews/Dani Reese
01. --- Clever
02. --- Travel
03. --- Hiding
04. --- A Letter
05. --- Black & Blue
06. --- Bookstore
07. --- Differences
08. --- A Black & White Movie
09. --- A Lie
10. --- Book
Progress: 0/10

fandom, prompts, challenges

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