Title: Victor Victoria
Author: tanzensiemit
Claim: Ryan Wolfe/Kyle Wolfe
10_random prompt: School Days
Rating: PG13/FRT
Disclaimer: Only in my mind do I ever entertain the idea that I'm halfway decent enough to write professionally so, sadly, I do not own
CSI: Miami nor the characters therein. Though Kyle is mine and I'd appreciate that no one use him unless given permission. Not that
anyone besides me would!
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Author Notes: It's an exercise in randomness with a Twin brother. What can I say? I'm weird. ^__^ Set to the tone of my
Two's Company, Three's a Crowd-verse - [Past Events]
“Damn it Ryan, YES.”
Though he was seated and his brother standing, the younger of the two glared up into the identical face with such intensity that their third party witness shrank away with the belief that this one, the one with flashing hazel eyes, whom had been most docile in the proceedings, was the one to be afraid of. Ryan didn’t make a move to level himself to his feet and knock his leering twin off his feet. He sat and glared, and still refused.
“Stop being so stubborn about this!”
“Stubborn?” Ryan’s voice sounded much more threatening since his voice cracked and sank a couple of octaves. “I do not want to do this. That is not being stubborn Flip, that’s being determined and resolute.”
“No, you’re just being a jackass.”
“Dude, just because I don’t want to wear a wig and a dress for a part in your play, a part in which you were cast, does not make me a jackass. It does, however, make you really, really sad.”
“But I can’t fit! You’re thirty pounds lighter than I am, you can fit.”
“First, I’m only ten pounds lighter than you so stuff that argument. Second, I am not crossdressing just because you can’t fit into a costume for a part you auditioned for and won. Third, I’m not even in the damn Drama Club!! What the HELL man?!”
“Rodney help me out here! This was your damned idea because you can’t sew and won’t ask your Mom for help in this crap just because you don’t want her to know you like Drama.” Kyle threw his hands up in frustration. “Come ON.”
“I think Rodney snuck out somewhere between my refusing and you harping about your weight.” Ryan pointed out quietly, sinking back into the soft prop chair.
“Oh.” The older twin frowned. “That bastard. He was suppose to help me convince you this was a good idea.”
“Sucks to be you right now then.”
“Because I’m going to kick your ass."