Just old fanfic links from my personal journal, some on FF.net, and everything else.
Maximum Ride*
Losing Count - Iggy/Gazzy, PG,
nathan_p 's MR kink meme.
The Red Wire - Fang/Iggy, PG-13
Via Mania - Omega/Nudge, PG
*Does not include updates for 15YG, and Of Rats and Women, bah. :|
Fifty Reasons - Laurence/Tharkay, post-VoE, PG-13,
1sentence challenge.
When Your Heart Wins - Tharkay-> Laurence/Jane, PG, friendship, set throughout VoE.
Worth Every Moment - Tharkay/Laurence, PG,
yuletide fic for
trixiesfic All Things Considered - Henry Ferris, G, WIP,
10_prompts Napoleon Is Of No Importance to Rahm - Laurence + Rahm Emanuel = Crack, Rated for language,
rahmbamarama xover meme. *covers face*
Tropic Thunder
Gonna Be Me - Alpa/Lance, (Language warning, but otherwise very fluffy),
yuletide treat for
fairy_tale_echo Drabbles/ficlets
Leandros Series:
Pre-Series - All Robin/Ishiah
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Soul Eater - Stein/Medusa