Oct 19, 2005 18:16
Today was one of the most useless days of my life. I went to work and was done with all of my work at around 10:30 am (this included a meeting and breakfast break). At this point I began to contemplate where to go for lunch. Somehow this got me to about 1pm...I also helped people out with random things in between. Coming back from lunch is always a struggle but somehow i made it till the end.
I honestly dont think I am an efficient worker. People who know me know how slow I am to do anything, whether it be get ready to leave the house or even to eat. I was probably misclassified when I was little by being in the morning group in kindergarten. How am i so fast at getting things done at work? I pondered this question during my ample downtime today and realized it's because there are no distractions at work...no internet (i hardly think you can call 5 news websites the internet), no cell phone, no AIM.
I wonder how much better i would have done in life if I had grown up pre-technology: when all there was to do was read a book or get your shit done. Maybe these days we have too many options to keep ourselves entertained and use them to distract us from things that do not capture our interest. I know I would definitely pick watching an episode of Friends that I've already seen over reading boring poli sci of islam (hence the B i got in that class). I've noticed this even more when I talk to Preethi's sisters about their days in high school, college, and even grad school. I'm certainly not jealous of times without technology... but growing up in Silicon Valley has always meant having the coolest most cutting edge everything for as long as I can remember. A 16 year old does not need a cell phone, but it is almost required nowdays and wasn't completely unheard of when i was 16. My eight year old cousin has an iPod shuffle...why?? This kid who was at my house for dinner on Saturday was tell me about how awesome NetFlix is...crazy! My brother got a cell phone when he was about 14...and now text messages me while he is in class. it's gettin' crazy out there...
most people who read this will be doing so because they are getting distracted by the internet and don't want to study. pretty funny huh? something to ponder and waste even more time...