Mar 04, 2004 20:56
Tomarrow we go to districts!!! It's in Delisle. We're leaving at 2:00pm, so I'll miss almost 2 classes in the afternoon. Turns out I won't miss english. Yippie! heh. Youpi! :P So it will be good. I kinda hope we win. I was thinking, oh if we lose then the season's over! But I want to win because I wanna look back and tell my kids I went to provincials in basketball back in grade 10. That'd be cool. Then if you win provincials you go to regionals...and then...HOOPLA! haha yea right... :P We *might* get like 3rd place in districts, but not first so we won't go on probably. If we win the game tomarrow we get to come back on Saturday and play. We'll most likely win the game tomarrow because it's against Wilkie. Then we'll probably lose on saturday, unless we work really hard and are committed. Oh well. Here's hopin'! I gotta go though, I have to shower. I'll report how it all went when I get home tomarrow! Should be around 7-ish. Wish me luck!