...Coz for the life of me, I can't seem to make the tube connect properly to the airbrush without the tube threatening to slip out when I switch on the compressor.
But anyway, I've uploaded photos, so at least you can tell me where I went wrong owO;
Shaky due to me attending to the airbrush and snapping the photo at the same time.
And this is my first time fiddling with the airbrush, and there's lots of things I don't know how to work it ^^;
...This ain't the right way to connect it, right?
Coz it definitely wouldn't even enter the hole...
When I remove the tiny screw and plug the tube in, yeaaa it fits 8D
(until I turn the compressor on, and then it keeps slipping off...)
I tried pressing the nozzle down but it wouldn't budge owO;;;
I had thought it was meant to be like that, but I realized, how does one turn on/off the thing if it's like that?
So I fiddled with the airbrush and figured I need to loosen the upper half to let the nozzle move more flexibly.
But thing is, after doing that, when I turn on the compressor,
when I press down on the nozzle nothing happens --- well, the air just kept coming through ; like there's no variation in pressure / can't stop it until I switch the compressor off (is this meant to happen?)
And the stupidest thing amongst all this - the blardy tube kept slipping from the airbrush o____O;
Is there any cap/nut/something to screw onto the airbrush to prevent the tube from continuously slipping?
And whilst the tube is connected to the airbrush, the pressure remains at 1 atm. (which I assume is normal?)
...dunno what's the mini spanner for ^^;
But when I tested the airbrush with water this round, it sprayed out a fine mist --- so airbrush is definitely working 8D
BUT something else happens:
...the tube that was connected to the compressor, refused to budge out, no matter how much I twiddle the cap on it and/or pulling/tugging hard at the tube O_________O;
I dunno if this is supposed to happen.....?
Aside from all this strange stuff (1st time touching the airbrush unit after all),
and I just need to know how to connect the tube to the airbrush without it slipping while I'm spraying
AND how to twiddle the nozzle to control the spraying.
...and prolly not so important, but what does the black dial on the compressor do? ^^;
Now, after checking the airbrush unit, I went to check on the acrylic inks.
And uh, Director, I think there's something I need to show you:
The moment I twist the cover of the [Antelope Brown], it got stuck fast and when I used my inhuman strength force to twist it the cap---
---I heard a rubbery screechy sound, and a crack, and then I saw the glass-dropper broke off from the cover O___________O;;;;; And it can't be connected anymore...OoooooooooO||||||
(I was horrified and I tried sticking it back but it's clean disconnected off the cap...I'm really really sorry JL -_____-; Didn't meant this to happen........)
Inside it was kinda...hardened coz as I shake it around there's no liquid bouncing inside
(does this means it has dried up?? o___O)
The topmost part felt like plastic...smooth and hard.
But uhhhhh, I felt bad that this happened (SORRY JL FOR BREAKING IT T_________T),
hardened acrylic ink or not,
so I bought a new one to replace this (VisionArt increased its price to RM16.50 per bottle)
(will pass it together with the rest once the final illo class is over...)
...well, there's another strange thing:
...the white acrylic ink seems to have hardened to the stage it stuck fast to the bottom owO;;;;;;;;
(the normal and still usable green is to compare the liquid state it ought to be)
But, ya, I remember you telling me that the white acrylic ink was useless 'coz it was too transparent,
so, uh, I guess we shouldn't worry so much about the white...? ^^;
(BUT the white was on Kin Sun's list, so I bought a new bottle, just in case he asks for it...)
and 1/2 hour later:
The purple stains on my thigh was due to the purple acrylic ink's glass-dropper hurling its stuck contents with a loud SPOCK when I first squeezed its cap to see whether it works XD;
But overall, every other acrylic ink works fine (though there's a pair of Indian Yellow, and one was more orangey than the other owO;;; Not sure if the orangey Indian Yellow has been mixed before?)
and only the Antelope Brown has been put out of commission =w=;;;
and on my list, we're missing Lemon Yellow, so today after Leo's class I went and bought 'em ^__^;
And the other one @ Rowney Blue, the lid came off but the glassdropper seems glued to the container ^^; But I managed to fix this one so don't worry ^^;
So now I'm pretty much set for KS's class,
and all that's left is to hunt 3 portrait refs for the coming assignment this Wednesday *nods*
...and uh, to find the solution to the tube that keeps slipping ^^;