Jul 25, 2004 19:04
$48.28 (tax inclusive) for 2 for-work skirts & 1 for-work top.
Fund total: $287.59 for 22 pcs. of clothing (10 for work, 12 for leisure) and 2 pairs of shoes. Accounting 80-something bucks for shoes, and leaving $200 for clothes is an average of $10 for each of article of clothing. Not too bad.
Now I have to rummage through my closet to get rid of 3rd-hand clothes that I kept for just-in-case-I-added-50-pounds-or-become-a-mommy-10-years-down-the-road-or-if-even-I-become -stick-thin-I-would-not-be-caught-dead-in-that kind of wear.
I didn't realize I just lost 2 dress sizes. But I'm not keeping my hopes up. I'm not throwing out my big clothes just yet in case I fluctuate back. Not my wish, but hey it happens a lot to me. I think it depends on whether my parents are here or not. I gain tons of weight if I'm with them coz we go out to eat a lot and they make us eat a lot. My dad always complain that I don't eat enough because I don't get a 2nd or 3rd heaping of rice, and I'm freakin overweight already. I don't like going to all-you-can-eat buffet with them because they make me stuff myself coz they think I don't eat $20-worth of food.
But I'm limiting myself. I cannot go past my usual size 7/8 (7 or 8). When I was a size 9/10, I became depressed. Now I'm okay with my current size 5/6. Although I am still wishing to go down to a size 3/4 like normal girls. Even my sister, at size 3/4, complains that she is too fat because all of her friends are size 1/2 (1 or 2). I'm not a fobby girl so I can't be like them. My arms are as thick as their legs. How scary is that. But hey, one step at a time and I can't be too greedy. I can't be like Angelina Jolie overnight. I used to like to buy gartered pants and skirts so I can adjust them to whatever size I am in, but it gives me even more reason to balloon up.
It doesn't help that I like to eat tons of carbs. Like the other day, my boss saw me eating heaps and heaps of potatoes and told me not to do that, told me to eat healthy not crazy. Baked potato, mashed potato, cubed potato are yummy. And I like tons of cheese too. So I order loaded potato skins with extra helpings of mozzarella cheese. We used to buy like 10 pounds of potatoes and finish them in a week or two because they were like $2 bucks for a bag. Bad, bad, bad.
I need to exercise but I get tired just walking up a flight of stairs. I'm so out of shape it's not even funny. They used to bring the exercise bike up for me to use when watching TV but I couldn't even bike past one commercial. I'd be so tired I would end up sleeping for 15 hours straight. Yes, my sister couldn't believe that I could sleep for that long on a regular basis and I could even sleep for 24 hours without even having a hangover. I'm so freakin lazy that my tummy looks like Mr. PotatoHead and I could even make it talk.
Anyway, I need to donate 20 pounds of fat for those who are interested. Any takers?