Sep 11, 2005 14:05
The average person grows up, gets a job, finds a mate and reproduces, right? Why does everyone do this? A combination of factors and different reasons-
1. the genetic predisposition to reproduce
2. the tendency to do what your parents have done
3. the need to place some stake in the future
Like any other animals, people have the natural desire to reproduce. This drive is what helps perpetuate any species. Humans, however, have become abnormally good at reproducing and staying alive- even in spite of their long gestation and developmental stage. Most animals have a natural border to their habitat, natural predators, or food supply that limits their population growth. In some instances, such as lemmings, there is a self-limiting tendency of mass suicide to prevent overpopulation. Humans, on the other hand, do not have any of these restrictions. While it took from the dawn of humankind till about 1800 to reach a population of one billion people, it took from then till now to reach a population of six and a half billion people. We’ve become too good at staying alive.
Some people might ask what is wrong with having a large population. Why not, as long as the planet can support such a population. Because the planet can’t support our current population. With present means of food production we are entirely reliant on fossil fuels. The energy required for modern food production is ten times the amount contained in the food. (Graham, 575) It’s not just our means of travel that will be lost when fossil fuels run out; it’s also our means of acquiring food.
So, why is it that in the face of such gluttony of resources and lack of any real need for increased population that we continue to reproduce like our existence on earth depends on increased population? Because that’s what our parents did! At that most fertile time of a couple’s life, they look at their parents and think what do we do next? To which the obvious answer is; reproduce.
Time to start ranting…
It’s natural enough to have a child so as to have something to pass on to the world, but why do people insist on bringing multiple children into a world that already has more than enough? You want a large family? Adopt. The global population is not so desperate for your genes. There are plenty of unplanned births out there to take care of- you don’t have to go about planning extras. People that really piss me off are those who insist on trying to reproduce even if they can’t do it naturally. Sure, it’ll hurt not being able to have a child of your own, but be realistic- having a child is not the only way you can justify your existence. Why can’t these people just get over it and find some other way to make a mark on history. Passing on the family name/ genes is a passé unnecessary human concept. It becomes a stupid blind obsession like some kind of quest for a stake in immortality. Get over it. You don’t need to reproduce to be of consequence.