starting up again? maybe...

Aug 14, 2005 19:54

Well, half a semester, a (doomed-from-the-beginning) relationship, and a summer vacation after my last entry, perhaps I shall be re-entering the world of on-line journaling.

In case you haven't heard:  news from the ever-changing life of Greg Reynolds
-change of school:  Uconn.   (including a small matter of $15,000 less a year and half the distance from home)

-change of major:  this one is still in the works.   as far as Uconn is concerned, I'm entering as a Landscape architect.  this may change depending on courseload and, of course, what the major is like.  I may be changing my major (yet again) to civil engineering.  from what I hear it's an awesome field, so I'll be looking into it.

-awesome summer job idea for next year:  next year I might not be staying in CT for the first summer ever.  instead of lifeguarding at Simsbury Farms as usual, I could be packing my bags and going to Lake Eaton in NY to lifeguard there.  perks include - getting my own cabin, virtually camping the entire summer, $10/hour-40hr/week, and guarding people (girls) over the age of twelve (wink, wink- plays in nicely with the cabin to myself).
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