bitchin' and interviewthing.

Sep 30, 2008 21:44

Ffffffff this has been a roller coaster of a day (but not in a way even remotely comparable to the extremely fun weekend spent with Mag and Jamey, which involved actual roller coasters).

The morning began acceptably with calculus. I planned to study for my chemistry test when I got back to my room, but instead I was talked into having breakfast with friends. I was, of course, unprepared for my test and almost certainly got a C or below. I returned from chemistry feeling a bit bummed, but my spirits were still in fairly good shape.

I had an enjoyable afternoon with Alyssa (acidicfizz), Nate, and Mag (magrcon) (via telephone). After a while, though, I started thinking about how badly I've been doing in my academics and began to feel a bit depressed. Nate and Alyssa both had to go to class, so I decided to take a walk while listening to some music.

I had no predetermined distination, but I ended up at the Akron public library. I found Of Mice and Men, a book I haven't yet read, and sat down for an hour or so to read it.

Eventually Alyssa called me to tell me she was out of class and wanted to hang out. We went out for wings, and I dropped all my wings on the floor right after I bought them. I did not buy more.

Now I am sitting here, yet again neglecting my homework.

I am a really, really, really terrible student.

e: John Slack made me some kettle corn and gave me a hug and now I feel better.

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them 5 questions.

This is what kaoru_is_here asked me:

1. So what will happen once university is over?
2. If you hadn't grown up in the US... where else would you have loved to spend your childhood... and why?
3. What was the creepiest experience you've ever had?
4. ...and the most embarrassing one?
5. How many Pokemons would you be able to fight until they finally bring you down?

1. So what will happen once university is over?
Well, assuming things go as planned, that's not going to happen for quite a while. BUT. When it does happen, I hope to go into field research. My main goal in life is to do a lot of traveling, and I think that biological field research is a good way to attain that goal. (After all, there are living things all over the planet.) When I'm too old and brittle to keep up with field work, I think I might turn to teaching.
That's the current plan, anyway.

2. If you hadn't grown up in the US... where else would you have loved to spend your childhood... and why?
I think I would have enjoyed a childhood in just about any modern European country. I like the fact that it's so easy to travel from place to place in Europe. There are plenty of large cities, but there's still a good amount of natural beauty surrounding those cities. Countries in Europe are almost like microcosms of the United States. They have everything we've got here, but it's all closer together. Had I grown up in such a place, I think I would know quite a bit more about the world at large. Besides, who doesn't want an awesome accent?

3. What was the creepiest experience you've ever had?
To be entirely honest, I never find much of anything creepy. I guess it's always a little surprising when I hope a song will come on the radio and then it does. That's about it.

4. ...and the most embarrassing one?
I'm not easily embarrassed, but I think the worst time was the first time I tried to use a urinal in a public restroom and I pulled my pants all the way down. No one had informed me on the proper use of such a device, so I didn't know any better. Someone in the restroom informed me of my mistake, and I ran out of the bathroom crying after pulling my pants back up. That happened when I was really young, and the fact that I still remember it in vivid detail is a testament to how much it affected me.

5. How many Pokemons would you be able to fight until they finally bring you down?
This question is irrelevant, as I would not fight them. I would keep them as pets and love them and squeeze them and hug them.

blah, memes, friends, school

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