dr. seuss

Sep 04, 2008 19:14

Thing 1:
I went to the Akron-Summit County Public Library today and checked out Pride of Baghdad, written by Brian Vaughan and illustrated by Niko Henrichon. Yeah, it's a graphic novel. This is uncharted territory for me, and, quite frankly, a little bit frightening. Apparently it describes wartime life in current-day Iraq from the perspective of a pride of lions that have escaped from the Baghdad Zoo. Pertinent and furry. :O! I pretty much judged the book by its cover, so we'll see how this goes.

e: Apparently four lions really did escape from the Baghdad Zoo during American bombings and this is a fictionalized version of that. NIFTY.

Thing 2:
I swear to god my roommate must be shedding his winter coat or something. I realize this is gross, but there is so much hair on the bathroom floor. Bleh.

art, animals, books, people, school

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