Autobase - Conferencing Hangar

Aug 24, 2009 16:02

The setup is one that was planned for some time ago, but never used more than once or twice: scaffolding and monitors, cameras and microphones and encrypted hard-lines. There is space here for one mech to speak to multiple humans face-to-face, both in the flesh and on the screen; there is room for others as well, to wait their turn as needed. In ( Read more... )

ironhide, shockwave, grimlock, optimus prime

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autocommander August 24 2009, 20:46:32 UTC
Optimus Prime takes the stage, at the first ( ... )


tangled_metal August 24 2009, 21:12:09 UTC
A representative of the Australian government, stationed at the long-range listening base at Woomera, is the first to speak.

"Mr. Prime-" He clears his throat; it's painfully obvious that he wasn't expecting to do this kind of thing when he signed up for his job. "Ah. Mr. Prime, a question for you... he's not likely to be coming alone, is he? There's going to be more of these- Decepticons- following him?"


autocommander August 25 2009, 00:08:11 UTC
"It's almost certain he will have more of them coming with him. I am uncertain if it will be at the same time, or following later, but they will be coming. We're setting up a networking node for the space-based sensors so we can collect and process the information. Two of our number, Perceptor and Grimlock, will be handling that and providing regular reports."

Truth be told, Optimus sympathizes for the man.

"Mr. Keller, the United States Secretary of Defense, has agreed to help coordinate the fast response team we're putting together The dossiers should have come with electronic media so your people will know about their IFF signatures."

"Any other questions? Otherwise, I'll continue with the briefings on the major Decepticon officers."


tangled_metal August 25 2009, 00:10:36 UTC
The Australian shakes his head; the others on the monitors follow suit. With the possible exception of the Japanese representative, who was at a certain robotics convention last year, they're all in very much over their heads.


tangled_metal August 30 2009, 03:36:10 UTC
There's a faint clink of metal on metal, and a sound of brief electronic twittering at a speed the humans aren't likely to be able to hear. It's a suggestion from one of the mechs who'd been lingering out of sight of the cameras. Optimus inclines his head and cedes the floor to Grimlock, who steps into view of the cameras- in his robotic dinosaur mode. The sight of a forty-foot-long robotic Carcharodontosaurus stirs exclamations of surprise from the human observers, but not nearly as many as the moment when he transforms from massive metal dinosaur into equally massive robot. "Greetings, humans," says the massive mech, crouching a little to get a better angle on the multiple cameras. "Me Grimlock continue briefing from here ( ... )


lissla_lissar August 30 2009, 03:42:34 UTC
The white woman in her place near Ironhide gives a fairly good mimicry of Ironhide's recorded Sgt. Epps snort at the Australian's last comment, "As though it were ever not?"


not_toothfairy September 4 2009, 14:42:19 UTC
As Grimlock concludes his extended description of exactly what Stryka and her forces are capable of, the representative from the People's Republic of China leans forward. "I don't suppose," he says, "that there is any chance of these Decepticons being turned aside before they actually reach Earth?"

The question is innocuous enough, diplomatic-speak for something that has been flitting at the edges of many an administrator's minds: if the Autobots are not here, what need will the Decepticons have of Earth?

"I'll take that one," says Ironhide, standing up and nodding to Grimlock to stand down. "Name's Ironhide. Autobot general and weapons specialist. And the answer to your question is no. We haven't got the space-based defenses necessary to hold them off anywhere else in the system. And while we could be back in space tomorrow if necessary ( ... )


autocommander September 4 2009, 15:36:57 UTC
Optimus Prime retakes the podium. It's important that humans get used to the other Autobots, in case... well. In case ( ... )


tangled_metal September 4 2009, 15:39:54 UTC
There are a few murmurs, but eventually they dissolve to the shaking of heads. "Not at the moment," says the American representative. "Thank you, Optimus."


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