Autobase - Conferencing Hangar

Aug 24, 2009 16:02

The setup is one that was planned for some time ago, but never used more than once or twice: scaffolding and monitors, cameras and microphones and encrypted hard-lines. There is space here for one mech to speak to multiple humans face-to-face, both in the flesh and on the screen; there is room for others as well, to wait their turn as needed. In ( Read more... )

ironhide, shockwave, grimlock, optimus prime

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tangled_metal August 30 2009, 03:36:10 UTC
There's a faint clink of metal on metal, and a sound of brief electronic twittering at a speed the humans aren't likely to be able to hear. It's a suggestion from one of the mechs who'd been lingering out of sight of the cameras. Optimus inclines his head and cedes the floor to Grimlock, who steps into view of the cameras- in his robotic dinosaur mode. The sight of a forty-foot-long robotic Carcharodontosaurus stirs exclamations of surprise from the human observers, but not nearly as many as the moment when he transforms from massive metal dinosaur into equally massive robot. "Greetings, humans," says the massive mech, crouching a little to get a better angle on the multiple cameras. "Me Grimlock continue briefing from here."

A murmur of surprise goes up.

"On Cybertron, me Grimlock serve under him Prime during war with Decepticons," Grimlock says, his optic band gleaming with the memory. "Me Grimlock spend more time in field on assault teams than any other Autobot. Know most dangerous Decepticons alive better, too."

There's an irritated harumph from Ironhide's direction. Grimlock ignores it.

"You already know him Starscream. Grimlock not waste you time telling more about him." The contempt in his voice is almost palpable. "Him Starscream not alone, though. Him bringing two other jets with him, form air command trine. Skywarp and Thundercracker two of fastest, most dangerous Decepticons in sky. Most often they search-and-destroy team, them called Seekers in that function. Where Starscream say go, they follow. Other Decepticon flyers do what air command trine say without question."

The screen flickers as it begins transmitting available information on the Seekers, including Thundercracker's disturbing speed and agility and Skywarp's brute force.

"Me Grimlock intercept Skywarp transmission to Thundercracker last week, that how we know him Shockwave coming," the mech continues. "Him Skywarp also mention other Decepticons in vicinity before transmission lost. Me Grimlock think most dangerous one is him Soundwave. Him Prime agree. Him Soundwave is Decepticon communications officer. Also, intelligence officer. It not likely any code you humans make safe with him Soundwave around."

Grimlock pauses to send the relevant files on Soundwave, as well as several other Decepticons. "Him Soundwave not work alone much, either," he notes. "It likely him have two or three other Decepticons with him. Him work most closely with Ravage and Laserbeak, who small but carry many mini-Cons with them to infiltrate and spy, but him also work with her Rumble. Her Rumble was mining bot on Cybertron, twin of him Frenzy-"

"Excuse me, Grimlock," calls the representative from India. "Twin? I was under the impression-"

Grimlock's head whips around, and his optic band narrows sharply at the interruption. A warning look from Ironhide keeps him from speaking until the Indian speaker finishes. "It have to do with sparks, human," Grimlock says. "Him Prime explain later. It not matter. Important thing is that him Frenzy miniaturize to pursue spying. Her Rumble get size upgrade every year instead, and weapon upgrade, too. Her Rumble very fond of little brother, and stick close to him Soundwave to keep optic on him. It likely Rumble going to want revenge on humans more than other Decepticons."

"Oh, great," mutters the Australian again. "Now it's personal."

"There also her Stryka, who serve under him Shockwave command as General of Destruction..."


lissla_lissar August 30 2009, 03:42:34 UTC
The white woman in her place near Ironhide gives a fairly good mimicry of Ironhide's recorded Sgt. Epps snort at the Australian's last comment, "As though it were ever not?"


not_toothfairy September 4 2009, 14:42:19 UTC
As Grimlock concludes his extended description of exactly what Stryka and her forces are capable of, the representative from the People's Republic of China leans forward. "I don't suppose," he says, "that there is any chance of these Decepticons being turned aside before they actually reach Earth?"

The question is innocuous enough, diplomatic-speak for something that has been flitting at the edges of many an administrator's minds: if the Autobots are not here, what need will the Decepticons have of Earth?

"I'll take that one," says Ironhide, standing up and nodding to Grimlock to stand down. "Name's Ironhide. Autobot general and weapons specialist. And the answer to your question is no. We haven't got the space-based defenses necessary to hold them off anywhere else in the system. And while we could be back in space tomorrow if necessary-"

He bends over and calls up the files on Starscream, placing them side-by-side with Shockwave's.

"Shockwave is a Megatron loyalist of the highest caliber. Starscream is an ambitious militarist with a short temper and a long memory. Shockwave wouldn't put forth the effort to bring his forces down on this system for anything less than long-term strategy. Starscream was forced to flee a planet populated by organics. He's going to want revenge- not just on us, but on this world. Given that they've hated each other for longer than humanity's been building cities, and they're working together now..."

"... then they have goals that will not allow for being turned aside from Earth." The Chinese representative nods slowly. "I see. Thank you, General."

Ironhide grunts, nods, and steps away from the platform. If Optimus wants to wrap this up, it's up to him.


autocommander September 4 2009, 15:36:57 UTC
Optimus Prime retakes the podium. It's important that humans get used to the other Autobots, in case... well. In case.

"This is the best intelligence we have, analyzed by sentients with the greatest experience in the field dealing with this opposing force. Our reports have been sent as well, in greater detail, by hand, in case Soundwave has already infiltrated - which we project at a 95% probability."

"This is one of the greatest threats your world has ever faced. But we have pledged that you do not stand alone. We are fewer than they, but that has always been the place of the Autobots, since this war began. I regret that it has come to your word. If I could change it, I would, but the choice was made by fate long before any Cybertronian touched your world, when the Allspark crashed here. But we are here to help. It is our responsibility."

"I do not sleep; if you have questions concerning this, I am available constantly to answer them. The Autobots do not sleep, and we will be ready to move at five minutes notice to take action. We are all gathering here, so that at any time we can roll out."

"Are there any further questions at this time?"


tangled_metal September 4 2009, 15:39:54 UTC
There are a few murmurs, but eventually they dissolve to the shaking of heads. "Not at the moment," says the American representative. "Thank you, Optimus."


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