Nudge followup

Jan 17, 2006 19:01

A followup to my Friday the 13th posting about the new "nudge" feature for anyone who hasn't already seen the news - they've finally enabled the opt-out they refered to: go to and enter
set disable_nudge 1

and that should do it.

Edit: Interesting - the "nudge this person" button on the info page apparently tests their opt-in/opt-out status first, then checks to see if they're a mutual friend (I tried nudging an alternate journal of mine where I am not mutual friends and had turned off nudging, to see what the button would do, and it narced my other journal out for having opted out.) If you've been looking for a handy test of whether an opt-out-minded LJer - friend or not - who never posts has been reading lately, there's your new rough metric. Of course, if they haven't opted out, you've just waved a snarky email in their face carrying out the test...
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