Movie: War of the Worlds

Jul 02, 2005 11:45


So last night my dad took my brothers and I to see the movie: War of the Worlds, with Tom Cruise.

The Beginning was really good. It got the viewer really hook as to what was happening. But then it lost all respect from my family when it didn't really go into detail as to why the aliens were wanting the planet Earth. It didn't tell us anything about what was what and what they needed to power their machines that they used to take things out.

And near the end it sorta (but not really) tells us that they need human blood to power their stuff.

During the whole movie really all you hear (or see) is Dakota Channing scream her head off. They centered the movie around her and gave her an important role when the only thing she is a claustrophobic brat and that all she does is scream, because she is scared.

And then they just end the movie, really NOT explaing ANYTHING!!!

Big, Huge Dissapointment. Please don't go and waste your money and your time. That was what a 2 hour long movie, that I could have been sleeping. The only good out off it is that you get to see Tom Crusie take his shirt off. And even then it's not that good.
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