Just started reading it. Liking it so far. I'm trying to stay away from all the mania across the internet about it - that and spoilers. I still can't wait to finish it though
Original x 3 Fanart x 3 (Naruto/Ouran) Mostly just sketches One Big Image
Woooow haven't updated in so long =A= GOT A TABLET finally - It's a Wacom Intuos 9x12... yah it's huge c: I got it a couple weeks ago and have been practicing with it
AUGH I NEVER POST HERE ANYMORE ;3; I really should, I love livejournal xD; I think I never update because I never have anything to share, just updates on my life, and I don't know if anyone likes to read those xD
I like this new LJ post thing D: *pokes it* xD Haven't been updating much since school has been really piling the homework on because finals are next week =w= I know I'm ready for most of them, just always worried about Chemistry D: I haaate that class >_< I mean, I don't hate chemistry, but the way my teachers...teaches it is WAY confusing and
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