From the drabble list...

Jun 22, 2008 22:54

Title: Moonlight Serenade
Rating: Mild PG for kissing and inference
Disclaimer: Not mine; they belong to RTD and to the BBC
Spoilers: Reference made to events in Exit Wounds.
Summary: For wynterwolf47: Jack + Ianto. Burgundy. Dancing to Glenn Miller. So not a drabble!

It's the suit that does it. At least that's what Jack insists as he drags Ianto up onto the roof. The quirk in Ianto's eyebrow tells Jack that the excuse is getting the (lack of) respect it deserves, but Ianto's smiling and allowing himself to be dragged, so Jack counts that as a win.

But the suit is worthy of respect. It's so dark a navy that it's practically black unless the light strikes it at the right angle, and Ianto's teamed it with a rich burgundy shirt and a tie the same colour as the suit, but with the faintest thread of silver through it. Seeing Ianto wearing that made it very difficult for Jack to focus on the year-end reports, so this is definitely all Ianto's fault. Jack reiterates this just as they get on to the roof and to his delight, Ianto inclines his head and smiles, his eyes warming with amusement.

"If you insist, sir," he says, with just the right amount of disinterested mischief that makes Jack think all kinds of wicked thoughts. He gazes around and that eyebrow rises again. (Jack had never considered eyebrows to be erogenous zones until he had met Ianto Jones.) "Was there some reason why my suit gave you the urge to head for the heights, sir?"

Oh, he's being prim and butlerish and Jack can feel the hormones kick in with enthusiasm. "It's a nice night. I thought we could enjoy it."

Ianto looks up and agrees that it is a very lovely night; the kind when there isn't so much as a wisp of cloud and the moon is full. Cardiff is still rebuilding after Gray's insane attack so there is less artificial light to block out the natural illumination. Ianto gazes up at the stars and wishes that the more beneficent visitors would come here more often. He knows they're out there, both from Jack's tales and the information locked away in the Archives. He jumps just a little as Jack's arms slide around his waist, then relaxes back into the other man's embrace. Gwen has gone back to Rhys and Andy is helping Jenny move into her new flat, so they have this time to themselves.

"I wish I could take you out there," Jack murmurs, following Ianto's gaze upwards. "There is so much beauty up there and it sometimes hurts that you can't see it."

Ianto smiles sadly. Jack has been different ever since Gray came into their lives and stole two of Jack's family away from him. In some ways he is better, since an old ghost has ceased to haunt him, but Ianto could wish that the laying of that ghost had not come with so high a price. While Ianto is more than willing to hate Gray for what he did, he is also grateful to the man for having made Jack realise that he could only atone so much for an old and careless gesture. Gray might have suffered as a result, but it was his choice to cling to his madness and hate and direct it against innocents who had done nothing to warrant such evil. The moment Gray had loosed the Weevils on the streets of Cardiff, he had absolved Jack of all responsibility.

The trick has been to make Jack see that.

"There is beauty down here, Jack," he says softly. He turns within Jack's embrace to face his Captain and lifts a hand to brush across Jack's cheek. "We're just too used to it to really appreciate it. Familiarity breeds contempt, as they say, which is a shame. I know of quite a few things that deserve a great deal of respect."

"So do I," Jack says, tightening his embrace and Ianto gives him a startled look before lowering his own eyes before that knowing gaze. Jack laughs and eases up on the grasp he has of Ianto. "Shall we dance?" he asks.

Ianto blinks. "Here? Now?"

He shakes his head when Jack nods enthusiastically and isn't surprised when Jack presses some buttons on his wrist-strap and music starts to play softly. Jack loves to dance, but there are few opportunities to do so, since Ianto is uncomfortable about doing so in public, where they might attract the wrong kind of attention. And Jack doesn't dance with anyone else any more, even when Ianto encourages him, which worries the Welshman sometimes. He doesn't want Jack to miss doing something because of some misplaced sense of loyalty.

"C'mon," Jack encourages him, offering him a hand. "I'll even let you lead."

Ianto smiles. "How could I refuse when I get a generous offer like that?"

They dance and Ianto knows that he loves these moments, when the bitter truths of their life fades away and there is only the greater pattern into which their little griefs fall like drops into an ocean. Tosh and Owen are still gone and Ianto knows he will ache a little when he thinks of them until his dying day but now he can remember that they died so others could live, and those others will live and love and pave the way to still more souls and all because two people chose to make a stand and refuse to give up against the same kind of emptiness that had claimed Gray's soul.

"Penny for them," Jack says after a moment and Ianto huffs a laugh.

"You are so cheap," he scoffs and Jack laughs.

"Hey, I meant a Giltarean penny, which is made out of solid diamond edged with gold."

"Hardly legal tender," Ianto points out, trying for severe but failing to hold down a smile. "Still, it sounds very pretty, so I'll forgive you."

"So generous," Jack grumbles with a pout that Ianto feels duty-bound to kiss away.

This leads to other kisses and the dance becomes little more than the two of them swaying gently as they explore one another's mouths with languid thoroughness. Jack pulls away and gives Ianto an intense look before he taps at his wrist strap and the music changes. Ianto laughs as he recognises it.

"You and your Glenn Miller fixation," he says in amusement.

"Don't mess with the classics," Jack says virtuously. "Besides, I couldn't tell you of the massive significance Glenn Miller has in relation to the temporal vortex without having to retcon you afterwards in order to prevent a paradox that will bring about the end of life on Earth as we know it."

"All of that, huh?" Ianto asks with another raised eyebrow. Jack nods earnestly and Ianto rolls his eyes as he smirks. "You are so full of it," he says with affection.

Jack gives him another of those odd looks and whirls Ianto into a more complicated dance before the Welshman can ask him what's wrong. He's been like this for the last few days, Ianto realises. It's nothing bad. If anything, Ianto would say that Jack is hugging some large surprise to himself and enjoying the fact that he knows something that Ianto doesn't. In some ways, the Captain is still a child and Ianto glories in those times when all the cares and pain and memories fall away and Jack is just Jack, simple and uncomplicated and oh-so-easy to love.

Jack leans forward so that his mouth brushes against Ianto's ear. "Do you know what day this is?"

Ianto shivers at the feeling of Jack's warm breath against his skin. "Thursday?" he suggests, then smirks at the expression of exasperated amusement that sweeps across Jack's face. He doubts that Jack wants the calendar date and it takes a few seconds of thought before he makes the connection. "It's a year since you left with the Doctor." Despite strict instructions to the contrary, his stomach still clenches uncomfortably.

Jack nods. "A year to the day, according to this timeline. A year ago I made good on a promise I had made myself; that when I had the chance, I would leave with the Doctor and find the answers to the questions I had been asking myself for so long they had become the be-all and end-all of my existence. I found out that the Doctor didn't have the answers, had never even wanted to think about the questions, and when everything went to Hell, I found out that I didn't care about those questions after all, because I realised that I'd left behind something far more important and I nearly ruined it all chasing after a mirage."

Ianto frowns. "I hardly think that finding closure about how you are the way you are is all that trivial, Jack. And you came back. You came back for us."

Jack shakes his head. "Where's that vaunted memory of yours, Ianto Jones?"

Ianto does blush this time and looks down under the pretext of minding his steps. "You came back for me," he mumbles.

Jack laughs and swirls them across the roof. "Damn straight, Mr Jones, and don't you ever forget that!"

Ianto hasn't, to be honest. He treasures the memory of that moment, when Jack looked directly at him and said 'I came back for you'. He'd been reluctant to believe it, at first, but Jack had done too much for him to doubt him now.

"So how many dates have we been on?" Jack asks from out of the blue and Ianto blinks.

"Do you want me to count the ones that were interrupted by Weevils, Timelords and rogue Time Agents?" he inquires, then grins as Jack sticks his tongue out at him. "Oh, very grown-up, sir." He pauses to calculate because, really, every date is carved out of granite and polished to diamond-brilliance inside his memory. "Taking those out of the mix, we have been on twenty-one proper formal dates, rather than hanging out or doing reprehensible things with office supplies."

Jack is frowning. "I was kind of hoping there had been more."

Ianto leans forward to rub his cheek against Jack. "Jack, dates are always nice, but I have a preference for the times we just had fun, and we don't need to go on dates to do that."

Jack smiles, genuinely pleased, and Ianto feels a thrill that he can do that; that he can take a frown and erase it from Jack's face and mind. "Although I suppose this might count as a date, seeing as how we are dancing."

Jack shakes his head. "No, this isn't a date." The music changes again and his eyes gleam. "Do you know what this is called?"

"Moonlight Serenade," Ianto says promptly and smiles as the pout reappears.

"Mr Smartypants," Jack grumbles, but he's smiling as well. "Yeah, this is Moonlight Serenade, but did you know that it has lyrics to it?"

"I thought it was an instrumental?" Ianto objects.

"Originally, but they put words to it later on." He starts to sing and Ianto is caught in the web of his voice. He can still remember the surprise he'd felt when he realised that Jack had a voice that could have earned him a small fortune on the stage.

"I stand at your gate.
And the song that I sing is of moonlight.
I stand and I wait
For the touch of your hand in the June night.
The roses are sighing a moonlight serenade."

Ianto can't quite believe that this is happening. He and Jack have done things a couple might do in the previous few months, but this is something more. No amount of native caution and paranoia can persuade him that there isn't a different light in Jack's eyes at this moment.

"The stars are aglow
And tonight how their light sets me dreaming.
My love, do you know
That your eyes are like stars brightly beaming?
I bring you, and I sing you a moonlight serenade."

It's difficult to breath, because he never thought they would come to this. Neither of them have ever said it out loud, but actions and touches have said it for them. Ianto guesses that Jack has had his heart broken too many times before to risk it again, although snippets he has let fall and pictures that Ianto has seen lets him know that Jack is more than capable of commitment.

"So don't let me wait.
Come to me tenderly in the June night.
I stand at your gate
And I sing you a song in the moonlight.
A love song, my darling, a moonlight serenade."

The music eventually sighs to a halt and they stop moving, as well. Ianto stares into Jack's eyes and frantically searches for something to say.

"Will you marry me?" he blurts out.

Jack looks startled. "Hey, that was my line!" he complains.

Ianto blinks, opens his mouth to say something smart and realises that he is fresh out of sarky comebacks, so he does the next best thing: he kisses Jack. And Jack kisses him back, with a great deal of enthusiasm before the laughter swamps him and they have to pull away because he's giggling too hard. Ianto is never proof against that giggle and he's soon laughing just as hard. They wind up leaning against one another, gasping for breath.

"I meant it, you know," Ianto says a little shyly once they have recovered.

"I know," Jack says fondly, reaching up to cup the side of Ianto's face. "So did I."

"Um, you'll have to wait a bit for the rings," Ianto says.

Jack's eyes gleam. "That's okay; we can use mine, if you like."

He brings his hand out of his pocket and Ianto sees the box he's holding. Somehow that makes what's happening real, rather than some strange dream he might wake up from at any moment. Jack opens the box and the rings blaze softly in the moonlight. Ianto reaches out to touch the rings before giving Jack a charmed look.

"It's Welsh gold," Jack says with a smile. "I called in a favour or two."

"You actually want to get married?" Ianto asks in wonder. He doubts that marriage exists by the 51st century, but when he feels the surge of happiness as Jack nods, he realises with a small amount of chagrin that he is, after all, a 20th century boy.

"I want to commit to you, Ianto," Jack tells him honestly, "and I'll do that by the rules of the time period I live in. One thing the last few weeks has driven home is that everything could change in an instant. I don't want to have any regrets. You know what I am. You know better than anyone else alive who and what I am, and you still look at me like I'm someone worth caring about. I want you to understand how much I value that, how much I value and love you."

He blinks, as does Ianto, because while Jack has often said how much he cares for and respects and needs Ianto, he has always fought shy of using that word. Ianto suspects that it is because Jack has an almost superstitious awe of the word and the emotion it embodies. Ianto drops his gaze to the box again, admiring the clean, elegant lines of the rings.

"Er.... Ianto?"

"Hmm?" Ianto gives Jack an absent-minded look and blinks at the look of mild panic on the other man's face. "What's wrong?"

"You... you haven't said yes," Jack points out in a restrained voice.

Ianto raises an eyebrow. "As I recall, I was the one who asked you!"

"Yeah, but I've got the rings," Jack points out. Ianto smirks at the petulant note in his lover's voice.

"Details," he says, waving the quibble aside. "I asked first, so-"


Ianto blinks. "What?"

"Yes," Jack repeats, a huge grin on his face. "Yes, yes and yes again!"

Ianto reminds himself that he is a mature, adult male who saves the world on a regular basis. He is not the type to faint. "So that would be a yes, then?" he hazards, before breathing becomes an optional luxury as Jack Harkness lands a liplock on him that puts anything up until this point to shame. "One thing," he gasps, when Jack eventually realises that Ianto needs to breath every now and then.

"Anything!" Jack says, with an expansive wave of his hand.

Oh, you are so going to regret saying that, Ianto smirks to himself. "We are definitely dancing to Moonlight Serenade on our wedding day."

And then they go back to kissing and dancing under a full summer's moon.


song prompt, ianto/jack, jack, janto, fanfic, marriage, dancing, ianto, prompt

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