Drabbles - 2nd set

Jun 19, 2008 17:42

Okay, I won't be able to get these all done by the end of the week, so please be patient as I work my way through.

Title: Scent and Sensibility
Rating: Open
Disclaimer: Not mine; they belong to RTD and to the BBC
Spoilers: None
Summary: For gogo_didi : Andy with Ianto. Green. The scent of cigar smoke. (And this one escaped, as well!)

Ianto cleans up after the others still. Andy thinks it’s only right to offer to help since he’s the new boy, so he’s the one who finds Ianto sitting in the SUV, clutching the jacket of the man they saved from the Weevil. There is a suspicious glitter in Ianto’s eyes and Andy hunkers down in front of him, wondering if he should yell for Jack.

“It’s all right,” Ianto says softly.

“You don’t look all right,” Andy ventures.

Ianto smiles, a swift expression that comes and goes, as he straightens up and starts to fold the coat carefully. “I got ambushed by a memory,” he admits.

Andy hesitates, then realises that he’s too new to ask for more than what the others, still raw in their loss, are willing to give, so he nods and pushes himself back to his feet. Ianto gazes up at him and something warmer than his usual reserve touches his eyes.

“Here,” he says, offering the coat. “Smell.”

Andy blinks, but does as he’s told. The coat smells of damp earth and a little sweat, but there’s a stronger scent that Andy breathes in, finding it teasingly familiar. Not quite cigarette smoke…

“Cigar smoke.” The smile Ianto offers him this time is a little blurred around the edges. “My father… he loved his cigars, but Mam hated the smell, so he was always banished to the den to smoke them. He’d wear an old jacket and sit in his favourite wing-backed chair and I’d come in and climb on his lap and he’d tell me stories.” He pauses and then shrugs, looking embarrassed. “Smell took me by surprise. Took me back to a happy time.”

After a moment, Andy nods and hands him the coat back, realising what a gift he’s been given. In his own way, Ianto’s just as close-mouthed about his past as Jack, but Andy suspects that there are too few ‘happy times’. He used the past tense when he spoke about his father, so Andy’s careful not to ask the obvious question. “My sister Sioned disappeared when she was nine,” he says slowly. “It’s what made me become a policeman. She always used to wear a green ribbon in her hair and even though it’s been years, my heart always stops when I spot a girl wearing a green ribbon in her hair.”

He meets Ianto’s eyes and in that moment the connection is forged between them and they take that crucial step past being just people who work together and become friends.

“Tea?” Ianto asks and Andy grins. Up until now he’s had to get his own tea.

“I’ve got a stash of raspberry and white chocolate cookies,” he confides and sees Ianto’s eyes gleam. “What say we have a couple when we get back upstairs and listen to Jack scream?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ianto agrees as he puts the jacket to one side and accepts Andy’s help in the rest of the clean up.

Title: Dietary Requirements
Rating: Open
Disclaimer: Not mine; they belong to RTD and to the BBC
Spoilers: None
Summary: For szm : Ianto. Pink. Gluten-free bread.
A/N: Hah! I managed a drabble! Whoo!

It looks like a pink sugar mouse, albeit one that’s four foot tall, with armour that would have a dwarf bursting into tears of joy. Ianto feared the worst when he found it on the rampage in Tesco’s, but this alien was willing to talk.

Now Ianto watches as the alien happily munches on a gluten-free slice of fresh bread dripping with butter, while bags around its feet bulge with similar produce. Ianto has a contract to supply their Navy with all the gluten-free bread and cakes they need.

Not a bad day’s work, even if he says it himself.

Title: Blue Is The Colour of My True Love’s Eyes
Rating: Mild PG for inference.
Disclaimer: Not mine; they belong to RTD and to the BBC
Spoilers: None
Summary: For em615 : Ianto + Jack. Blue. Painting.

The ‘discussion’ has been going on for some time, and Ianto is aware of the restlessness of the staff at B&Q. He doesn’t see why he should be the one to give in, though, since it’s his bedroom wall that is going to be painted.

“What’s wrong with this shade?” he demands. He wants the sapphire but Jack has a mulish set to his mouth.

“It’s not right.”

Ianto sighs. “Why not?”

Jack stares. “Isn’t it obvious? It doesn’t match the colour of your eyes!”

Ianto blushes. “I know,” he says, picking up the sapphire. “But this one matches yours!”

romance, clangers, angst, food, ianto/jack, second light, jack, janto, fanfic, crossover, friendship, drabble, ianto, andy:torchwood, prompt

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